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I recently acquired a set of postcards showcasing a pinfire double. I imagine those depicted would be disappointed if they tried to load the shells in the bandolier into the gun!

They were printed by Albert Bergeret et Cie, a top collotype company of the time.

[Linked Image from]
Il est raté, c'est regrettable,
Il en est quitte pour la peur,
Mais je m'en console, que diable,
Car l'an prochain il est probable
Qu'il aura doublé de grosseur !

[Linked Image from]
Fallait-il avoir une "couche",
Pour avoir brûlé mes cartouches
Jusqu'à la dernière... pour rien !
Maint' nant voilà l'gibier qui vient.

[Linked Image from]
Dix francs! mâtin ! c'est une somme!
C'est bien un peu cher; mais enfin,
Dans le carnier çà pose un homme,
Je vais passer pour un malin!

[Linked Image from]
Mon mari m'a dit : « De la chasse,
Tu n'rapport'ras rien ! » Quelle audace,
Je t'apporte toujours ceci,
Mon p'tit mari!

[Linked Image from]
J'adore la chasse à l'affût,
Mais le gibier qu'ici je guette,
C'est... mon cousin! Et dans le but
D'achever ici set conquête

[Linked Image from]
Ohé! chasseurs et chasseresses !
Je aus cherchais partout en vain;
Heureusement qu'en ma détresse
J'ai ju retrouver mon cousin!

[Linked Image from]
Moi, je ne tue pas les lapins,
Je montre autrement mon adresse,
Comme vous voyez, je les dresse,
Les plus gros et les plus malins!
French women. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, dark teeth.

Sorry Ted; You're thinking about some other country.

Originally Posted by Argo44
Sorry Ted; You're thinking about some other country.


He may be, but he's got the teeth part right, according to the pics. Matter of fact, they're all a queer looking lot.
Originally Posted by Argo44
Sorry Ted; You're thinking about some other country.


Not all, but, I saw plenty when I was there. I’ve always been mystified how the teeth look so damn much better in poor, South American countries, then they do in Europe. Irish themed bars were the rage around Lyon when I was last there, and they imported Irish girls to work in them.

The barkeep was often the best looking girl in the joint.

Pretty insulting posts you all. So you can see plenty of Americans in New Orleans and they all were fat. There are French readers of this site.

My wife at the age of dark skin, no dark hair, no dark eyes, teeth in good repair like Americans with dental care.

[Linked Image from]
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
. . .queer . . .

That pic of you and Dig.

Bonnie McMurray !

Relax. The Frenchmen were in on the joke. In fact, that line came from one of them.

I suspect that Richard directed that dig at Herve’, being that Richard was from the south of France, Herve’ was most definitely not, and Richard never missed an opportunity to tell us that. No different than an Iowa joke, around here. We all laughed, loudly, at it. But, for whatever reason, on that night, in that town, it was absolutely true. We laughed about it later that night, too.

The median age in that part of France was about 58 at that time. Societal factors were at play, but, three single guys were out there, trying, and having fun with it.

Neither gunmaker ever married, as far as I know. Wasn’t from lack of trying.

We know your French wife is beautiful. But, she wasn’t there that night.

Je suis de accord, Monsuier! Je me trouve tres bien ici et Je hussier alons le femmes sans le metier. Le Reynard!!
Apres de ma blonde, quil fabon dormier-dormier, apres de me blonde , fabon un Mademoiselle de Chartier!!
Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
Je suis de accord, Monsuier! Je me trouve tres bien ici et Je hussier alons le femmes sans le metier. Le Reynard!!

Having spent a week in Kwee-beck I can translate for you non parlay-voo Fran-say folks.

Two Frogs and un Amerloque walk into a bar in France full of snaggletooth dames and nobody gets lucky.


Great movie from the rather twisted mind of Quentin Tarrantino. SS Oberststurmbannfuher Hans Landa, aka Christoph Waltz is a great actor inded- and fluent in German, French, Italian and English.. A real [censored - come on man!] tale plot line- Tarrantino painted the role of "The poison dwarf- aka Josef Goebbles correctly- a womanizing sociopath who pulled one of the greatest con jobs on Dem Deutscher Volk--Der Fuchs!!
"The French they are a most confused race, for they fight with the feet (Savate), and make love with the face (sextant nuef).. Le Reynard!!
Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
"The French they are a most confused race, for they fight with the feet (Savate), and make love with the face (sextant nuef).. Le Reynard!!

You make love with your feet?


I thought only Lonny did that. Michigan thing, I’m guessing.
Let me clarify that for you Ted-- savate, as practiced by Jean Claude Van Dam- utilizes your feet in self defense scenario--when your wife plants her foot with a solid thrust right into a attackers family jewels- that is savate, or fighting with the feet, as well as hands, elbows, other techniques used to discourage the predators who look to prey upon decent folks. RWTF
Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
Let me clarify that for you Ted-- savate, as practiced by Jean Claude Van Dam- utilizes your feet in self defense scenario--when your wife plants her foot with a solid thrust right into a attackers family jewels- that is savate, or fighting with the feet, as well as hands, elbows, other techniques used to discourage the predators who look to prey upon decent folks. RWTF

Huh. Not sure why it would occur to me to use my feet, when there is a .357 stuck in my waistband.

Whatever works, I guess.


No feet.

A couple of observations:
-- bad French is awful and bad French jokes are doubly awful. Son was bullied in HS because of his French heritage and I have difficulty abiding abuse.
-- The "Poisoned Dwarf" was not Joseph Goebbels: It was Nicolai Ivanovich Yezhov, who had Mikhail Tukhachevsky beaten before he fired a small caliber bullet into his head among thousands of others and was ultimately executed by Stalin.

The only thing I dislike more than really bad humor is false history.
Originally Posted by Argo44
A couple of observations:
-- bad French is awful…

Originally Posted by Argo44
… and bad French jokes are doubly awful...

Originally Posted by Argo44
…Son was bullied in HS because of his French heritage...

Had a French exchange student in HS and she was really popular.

Originally Posted by Argo44
The only thing I dislike more than really bad humor is false history.

Lost Cause
False history? Humm! Sorry your son was bullied in HS because of his French ancestry, for some reason the French were bullied by the Brits-- "Frogs" and "Snail Eaters" were a few of the more common nicknames bestowed by the Limeys-etc. I believe I used the term "The Poison Dwarf" in regarding Josef Gobbles, Hitler's propaganda minister, and NOT "The Poisoned Dwarf", as you noted. I'll do some more research and report back to you what I discover. I am sure Herr Gobbles was bullied in school, as he was born with a club foot, and was short in stature, as well as a clever scheming psychopath. Le Reynard..
Je accord, mon ami. check out a copy of the LOndon Daily telegraph Jan. 8th 2011-article on Herr Gobbles by Alan Hall. He refers to Joseph as "The Nazi Casanova" and also used the term I believe is valid for this evil midget- The Poison Dwarf, so I shall stand by my correct usuage of that sobriquet, si vous plait!!.. Le Reynard!!
Ted, I agree- but there are a few cases where not everybody can legally carry a handgun for self-defense, or, if they choose to carry regardless of the legal constraints of the state where they may live. I have had a CCW permit for over 12 years, and have never had occasion to use the .38Colt I carry for self-defense. I am 81, and in good shape, but not good enough to try the Chuck Connor Stephan Segal Jean Claude Van Damme routine on some dope dealer in downtown Grand Rapids (Mich) at 0 dark thirty followings a downtown hockey game at the Van Andel arena. Off on a tangent here, but all these many school, college and in general other shootings, regardless of where in the USA are going to bring upon us a massive push for gun confiscation, as Hitler did in 1933- I see no other way except dis-arming all the population, to put an end to these mass shootings, even by cops out of control. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think so. Case in point- the shooter in the most recent one was able to legally purchase the 2 handguns (9mm) and the mags and ammo, due to a loophole. His felony convictions were somehow reduced to misdemeanors-big mistake by the courts.. How to you explain that, in an after effect examination of the "gun laws". Criminals will always be able to obtain arms and ammo by hook or crook-we need harsher control of the criminal elements among us- RWTF
Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
…in downtown Grand Rapids (Mich) at 0 dark thirty followings a downtown hockey game at the Van Andel arena.

Games are usually over by 10:30.

Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
… on some dope dealer in downtown Grand Rapids (Mich)…

Didn’t see any dope dealers last week after watching the (Winnipeg) Manitoba Moose smush the Griffins. I believe Winnipeg is Jimmy “first born baby duckling” canvasback’s hometown.


Ah yes, the Motor City. If God wanted to give the State of Michigan an enema- he'd shove the tube right into Detroit and its environs. What a sewercity- besides, we are in a different time zone here in "Little Dutchie Village"--just so you know... RWTF
This thread is a good lesson: When confronted with trolls – do not respond.

Early on I took on three of the worst posters on this site. It was useless. Why? Because that is why they are here…not to dessiminate knowledge but to provoke. And they will always be willing to go further into insults than you are willing to respond to…because that is what they exist for.

This is an added lesson. A guy thinks he’s really being an adult and cute by insulting a whole nation and that’s supposed to add to his credentials as a knowledgeable gun connessieur. Nope, it comes across as utterly juvenile kindergarten stuff. But, that’s the way it is – same thing in a nursery school sandbox. So Mes Chers…Allons-y ..have at it…we’ll all “laugh” at your witticisms. Hahaha.
Originally Posted by Argo44
This thread is a good lesson: When confronted with trolls – do not respond.

Early on I took on three of the worst posters on this site. It was useless.

Ok, Ted and Fox I get, but who’s the third?

In this age of having to show I.D. to buy a bbq lighter I understand that some folks may be a bit sensitive to any number of things we used to banter about back in the day. Therefore Argo (Ken) I have carefully considered my reply to your post.

La belle femme!! Un faute De Mieux, mon ami-- Le Reynard
Originally Posted by Argo44
Pretty insulting posts you all. So you can see plenty of Americans in New Orleans and they all were fat. There are French readers of this site.

My wife at the age of dark skin, no dark hair, no dark eyes, teeth in good repair like Americans with dental care.

So you are complaining about insults to people, and in the same sentence you are insulting all Americans in New Orleans? I guess that's OK in your mind... something like the times you insulted the residents of the entire state of Tennessee in order to denigrate one guy you don't like.

And what happened to all of the whining posts you have made here concerning off-topic banter, because you felt it was so inappropriate on this "shotgun engineering board"? Why do you think you are exempt from that?

You seem pretty thin skinned concerning a rather benign observation about the appearance of French women. From the photo you posted of your wife, we cannot tell anything about her teeth and eye color. Nor do we care. And pretty much any woman who is 70 years old has mostly gray hair unless she is getting her color from a bottle.

Does she know that you are posting her photo here because you are losing your shit over an innocent comment Ted made?

Originally Posted by Argo44
Son was bullied in HS because of his French heritage and I have difficulty abiding abuse.

Seriously, I think we all can see why your son was bullied in school, and it had nothing to do with his French heritage...
Originally Posted by Run With The Fox
La belle femme!! Un faute De Mieux, mon ami-- Le Reynard

I don’t think you’ll get a reply, Le Reynard. . . . just picture a mime giving you le bird.


Pretty much like "Deu et mon Droit-- God and my right-- Remember, linguistic fans extant on this wide-open website (thank you, Messer Weber) that Canadian French has some different nuances of pronunciation than that heard in the many arrondisements of Paris. Le Reynard
Anyone else watch les Ailes Rouges de Day-twa jump the Washington Capitals last night?

Don’t get mad at me. It was Le Reynard that broached the subject of hockey. Ton boeuf eez wid eem.

My French is getting pretty good, wee?

Lonesome and Foxy, since you guys are obviously multilingual, and very interested in all things French, you might enjoy this bit of trivia. It seems that the French and Canadian national anthem, "Alouette" is actually about cleaning birds after a day of bird hunting, and even contains the recipe for Ortolan. Here are the French lyrics, following the English translation:


Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I will pluck your head
Je te plumerai la tête

I will pluck your head
Je te plumerai la tête

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I will pluck the beak
Je te plumerai le bec

I will pluck the beak
Je te plumerai le bec

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I'll pluck your neck
Je te plumerai le cou

I'll pluck your neck
Je te plumerai le cou

And the neck, and the neck
Et le cou, et le cou

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I'll pluck your wings
Je te plumerai les ailes

I'll pluck your wings
Je te plumerai les ailes

And the wings, and the wings
Et les ailes, et les ailes

And the neck, and the neck
Et le cou, et le cou

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I'll pluck your back
Je te plumerai le dos

I'll pluck your back
Je te plumerai le dos

And the back, and the back
Et le dos, et le dos

And the wings, and the wings
Et les ailes, et les ailes

And the neck, and the neck
Et le cou, et le cou

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I will pluck your legs
Je te plumerai les pattes

I will pluck your legs
Je te plumerai les pattes

And the legs, and the legs
Et les pattes, et les pattes

And the back, and the back
Et le dos, et le dos

And the wings, and the wings
Et les ailes, et les ailes

And the neck, and the neck
Et le cou, et le cou

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Lark, nice lark
Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette I will pluck you
Alouette, je te plumerai
I'll pluck your tail
Je te plumerai la queue

I'll pluck your tail
Je te plumerai la queue

And the tail, and the tail
Et la queue, et la queue

And the legs, and the legs
Et les pattes, et les pattes

And the back, and the back
Et le dos, et le dos

And the wings, and the wings
Et les ailes, et les ailes

And the neck, and the neck
Et le cou, et le cou

And the beak, and the beak
Et le bec, et le bec

And the head, and the head
Et la tête, et la tête

Lark, Lark
Alouette, Alouette

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
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