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Posted By: tkunz Can the comb on a stock be raised with epoxy? - 09/19/07 03:12 PM
I would like to raise the comb on one of my guns by about 1/8", and I thought I read somewhere about raising it with epoxy. Has anyone here ever had that done or know if it can be done.

You can buy Cheek-eez and stick it on. It is less permanent.
Anything is possible. But, it'll be ugly and heavy. So, unless this is a camoflauged painted gun already, I'd not use this method to raise the comb. I'd go with bending the stock. Cost you a bit over $100 and you'll have what you want.
A good number of years ago, I saw photos of Derek Partridge's Perazzi that had the comb raised by layering epoxy on the comb, shaping to the required drop at comb and heel, and polishing the epoxy to blend into the stocks epoxy finish - overall, it looked fine and got the job done.
Bending it would be the best solution as Chuck suggested. But if you wanted to add something permanent, splicing on new piece of wood along the comb would be neater than using Bondo to build it up unless you are just going to use it as a jig to have a new stock cut from it. The new wood could then be formed to match your desired dimensions with a rasp/sandpaper and toned with stains to be close to your old wood. Mike Orlen has bent stocks for me fast, reasonable price and well done.
Leonard Mews did the clear epoxy comb job that was on George's post and it was a first class job. Grain still showed through! Bobby
If it were me, I'd use cardboard and electric tape until I had what I wanted.
Originally Posted By: Montana
If it were me, I'd use cardboard and electric tape until I had what I wanted.

I was going to say cardboard and duct tape.
I know a guy who did this to his Parker trap gun for years.
It sounds like I would be better off having it bent. I thought about that, but the gun has a straight grip and I was afraid it would make it look a little funny.

I appreciate the comments, you guys are always a big help.

Sounds like the question is answered, but: I've worked with Marine Epoxy a lot, and am confident that it would not obscure or cloud the grain of the wood in the might affect what finish you put on it, but it could be made to look ok, if a bit heavy in weight and overly "built up". However, many clear epoxies are subject to significant yellowing with exposure to sunlight unless a UV-inhibiting finish is used (spar varnish in the applications I'm familiar with)...I imagine it could be done, but the cost of doing a good job might be as expensive or significantly more so than just having the stock bent...good epoxy isn't cheap.
I had a straight grip gun bent up, and yes it is a noticable curve to the lower line of the stock at the grip. But, I think it's still the best alternative, unless you can live with the stick-on cheekpad. If it had enough heft in the grip, the lower line of the stock could be reshaped and the triggerguard tang reinletted to straighten the lower line of the stock. But, for most guns, I'd just have it bent and be done with it.
I used to shoot with a nice old geezer named Bob Carnes. Bob was even more of a tinkerer than I am. He did some nice looking comb raising with a clear epoxy. If I recall correctly, Bob made a form out of cardboard or plastic taped to the stock and poured the epoxy in.
I have raised the comb on several stocks by using clear decoupage epoxy in a form made of heavy package tape. If you are careful when shaping and sanding it will blend in with the stock finish on most newer gloss type finishes.
Bones, that sounds like just what I was looking for. Can you give me some more details about how you do this. You can PM me if you would prefer.

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