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Posted By: HomelessjOe Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 11:16 AM
Terrorism in the USA

This last incident in Chattanooga Tn. confirms that all Muslims are potential terrorists and there is no way to distinguish between to "so called" good Muslim and the bad Muslim.

Only two ways to stop it.....

One is to hold all Muslims accountable...imprison them all until this ends.

Two...when one commits a terrorist act in the USA feed their dead bodies to pigs and the gee'haad will immediately end.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 11:42 AM
Good solution's step Three - round these guys up also

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men
July 24, 2013

From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out. Far-right white male radicals and extreme Christianists are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamists, and to pretend that such terrorists don’t exist does the public a huge disservice. Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev and the late Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev (the Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013) are both considered white and appear to have been motivated in part by radical Islam. And many terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who were neither Muslims nor dark-skinned.
When white males of the far right carry out violent attacks, neocons and Republicans typically describe them as lone-wolf extremists rather than people who are part of terrorist networks or well-organized terrorist movements. Yet many of the terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. In fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the United States in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.
Below are 10 of the worst examples of non-Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the United States in the last 30 years.

1. Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012. The virulent, neocon-fueled Islamophobia that has plagued post-9/11 America has not only posed a threat to Muslims, it has had deadly consequences for people of other faiths, including Sikhs. Sikhs are not Muslims; the traditional Sikh attire, including their turbans, is different from traditional Sunni, Shiite or Sufi attire. But to a racist, a bearded Sikh looks like a Muslim. Only four days after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh immigrant from India who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered by Frank Silva Roque, a racist who obviously mistook him for a Muslim.
But Sodhi’s murder was not the last example of anti-Sikh violence in post-9/11 America. On Aug. 5, 2012, white supremacist Wade Michael Page used a semiautomatic weapon to murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page’s connection to the white supremacist movement was well-documented: he had been a member of the neo-Nazi rock bands End Empathy and Definite Hate. Attorney General Eric Holder described the attack as “an act of terrorism, an act of hatred.” It was good to see the nation’s top cop acknowledge that terrorist acts can, in fact, involve white males murdering people of color.

2. The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009. Imagine that a physician had been the victim of an attempted assassination by an Islamic jihadist in 1993, and received numerous death threats from al-Qaeda after that, before being murdered by an al-Qaeda member. Neocons, Fox News and the Christian Right would have had a field day. A physician was the victim of a terrorist killing that day, but neither the terrorist nor the people who inflamed the terrorist were Muslims. Dr. George Tiller, who was shot and killed by anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009, was a victim of Christian Right terrorism, not al-Qaeda.
Tiller had a long history of being targeted for violence by Christian Right terrorists. In 1986, his clinic was firebombed. Then, in 1993, Tiller was shot five times by female Christian Right terrorist Shelly Shannon (now serving time in a federal prison) but survived that attack. Given that Tiller had been the victim of an attempted murder and received countless death threats after that, Fox News would have done well to avoid fanning the flames of unrest. Instead, Bill O’Reilly repeatedly referred to him as “Tiller the baby killer." When Roeder murdered Tiller, O’Reilly condemned the attack but did so in a way that was lukewarm at best.
Keith Olbermann called O’Reilly out and denounced him as a “facilitator for domestic terrorism” and a “blindly irresponsible man.” And Crazy for Godauthor Frank Schaffer, who was formerly a figure on the Christian Right but has since become critical of that movement, asserted that the Christian Right’s extreme anti-abortion rhetoric “helped create the climate that made this murder likely to happen.” Neocon Ann Coulter, meanwhile, viewed Tiller’s murder as a source of comic relief, telling O’Reilly, “I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester.” The Republican/neocon double standard when it comes to terrorism is obvious. At Fox News and AM neocon talk radio, Islamic terrorism is a source of nonstop fear-mongering, while Christian Right terrorism gets a pass.

3. Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008. On July 27, 2008, Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a children’s play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived. Adkisson said he was motivated by a hatred of liberals, Democrats and gays, and he considered neocon Bernard Goldberg’s book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, his political manifesto. Adkisson (who pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder and is now serving life in prison without parole) was vehemently anti-abortion, but apparently committing an act of terrorism during a children’s play was good ol’ Republican family values. While Adkisson’s act of terrorism was reported on Fox News, it didn't get the round-the-clock coverage an act of Islamic terrorism would have garnered.

4. The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994. To hear the Christian Right tell it, there is no such thing as Christian terrorism. Tell that to the victims of the Army of God, a loose network of radical Christianists with a long history of terrorist attacks on abortion providers. One Christian Right terrorist with ties to the Army of God was Paul Jennings Hill, who was executed by lethal injection on Sept. 3, 2003 for the murders of abortion doctor John Britton and his bodyguard James Barrett. Hill shot both of them in cold blood and expressed no remorse whatsoever; he insisted he was doing’s God’s work and has been exalted as a martyr by the Army of God.

5. The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996. Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity. Rudolph is best known for carrying out the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta during the 1996 Summer Olympics—a blast that killed spectator Alice Hawthorne and wounded 111 others. Hawthorne wasn’t the only person Rudolph murdered: his bombing of an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama in 1998 caused the death of Robert Sanderson (a Birmingham police officer and part-time security guard) and caused nurse Emily Lyons to lose an eye.
Rudolph’s other acts of Christian terrorism include bombing the Otherwise Lounge (a lesbian bar in Atlanta) in 1997 and an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb in 1997. Rudolph was no lone wolf: he was part of a terrorist movement that encouraged his violence. And the Army of God continues to exalt Rudolph as a brave Christian who is doing God’s work.

6. The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998. Like Paul Jennings Hill, Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder, James Charles Kopp is a radical Christian terrorist who has been exalted as a hero by the Army of God. On Oct. 23, 1998 Kopp fired a single shot into the Amherst, NY home of Barnett Slepian (a doctor who performed abortions), mortally wounding him. Slepian died an hour later. Kopp later claimed he only meant to wound Slepian, not kill him. But Judge Michael D'Amico of Erin County, NY said that the killing was clearly premeditated and sentenced Kopp to 25 years to life. Kopp is a suspect in other anti-abortion terrorist attacks, including the non-fatal shootings of three doctors in Canada, though it appears unlikely that Kopp will be extradited to Canada to face any charges.

7. Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994. Seldom has the term “Christian terrorist” been used in connection with John C. Salvi on AM talk radio or at Fox News, but it’s a term that easily applies to him. In 1994, the radical anti-abortionist and Army of God member attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts, shooting and killing receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols and wounding several others. Salvi was found dead in his prison cell in 1996, and his death was ruled a suicide. The Army of God has exalted Salvi as a Christian martyr and described Lowney and Nichols not as victims of domestic terrorism, but as infidels who got what they deserved. The Rev. Donald Spitz, a Christianist and Army of God supporter who is so extreme that even the radical anti-abortion group Operation Rescue disassociated itself from him, has praised Salvi as well.

8. Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010. When Joseph Stack flew a plane into the Echelon office complex (where an IRS office was located), Fox News’ coverage of the incident was calm and matter-of-fact. Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa seemed to find the attack amusing and joked that it could have been avoided if the federal government had followed his advice and abolished the IRS. Nonetheless, there were two fatalities: Stack and IRS employee Vernon Hunter. Stack left behind a rambling suicide note outlining his reasons for the attack, which included a disdain for the IRS as well as total disgust with health insurance companies and bank bailouts. Some of the most insightful coverage of the incident came from Noam Chomsky, who said that while Stack had some legitimate grievances—millions of Americans shared his outrage over bank bailouts and the practices of health insurance companies—the way he expressed them was absolutely wrong.

9. The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984. One of the most absurd claims some Republicans have made about white supremacists is that they are liberals and progressives. That claim is especially ludicrous in light of the terrorist killing of liberal Denver-based talk show host Alan Berg, a critic of white supremacists who was killed with an automatic weapon on June 18, 1984. The killing was linked to members of the Order, a white supremacist group that had marked Berg for death. Order members David Lane (a former Ku Klux Klan member who had also been active in the Aryan Nations) and Bruce Pierce were both convicted in federal court on charges of racketeering, conspiracy and violating Berg’s civil rights and given what amounted to life sentences.
Robert Matthews, who founded the Order, got that name from a fictional group in white supremacist William Luther Pierce’s anti-Semitic 1978 novel, The Turner Diaries—a book Timothy McVeigh was quite fond of. The novel’s fictional account of the destruction of a government building has been described as the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.

10. Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995. Neocons and Republicans grow angry and uncomfortable whenever Timothy McVeigh is cited as an example of a non-Islamic terrorist. Pointing out that a non-Muslim white male carried out an attack as vicious and deadly as the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t fit into their narrative that only Muslims and people of color are capable of carrying out terrorist attacks. Neocons will claim that bringing up McVeigh’s name during a discussion of terrorism is a “red herring” that distracts us from fighting radical Islamists, but that downplays the cruel, destructive nature of the attack.
Prior to the al-Qaeda attacks of 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing McVeigh orchestrated was the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history: 168 people were killed and more than 600 were injured. When McVeigh used a rented truck filled with explosives to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, his goal was to kill as many people as possible. McVeigh was motivated by an extreme hatred for the U.S. government and saw the attack as revenge for the Ruby Ridge incident of 1992 and the Waco Siege in 1993. He had white supremacist leanings as well (when he was in the U.S. Army, McVeigh was reprimanded for wearing a “white power” T-shirt he had bought at a KKK demonstration). McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001. He should have served life without parole instead, as a living reminder of the type of viciousness the extreme right is capable of.

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:04 PM
Typical liberal bait and switch response.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:17 PM
Bait and switch? I said round them ALL up. Murderers are murderers.

Posted By: Ken61 Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:19 PM
Any ideology can be taken to the extreme. The question is if the doctrine supports it. I'm not aware of any mainstream Christian sect that teaches murder or enslavement of non-believers, as essentially it violates one of the basic Christian beliefs, "Thou Shall Not Murder". Taking aberrations and asserting that they are mainstream beliefs is hardly credible. Perhaps I've missed something, so if you can correct me, please feel free. This contrasts sharply with Islamic, and for that matter religious Marxism/Statism, both of which advocate murder or wholesale enslavement of populations. Religious Marxism is responsible for the murder of literally hundreds of millions of people during the 20th Century, and Islamic Fundamentalism is an equally vitriolic force, yet has a ways to go to catch up to the Marxists.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:22 PM
Truth is we are in the middle of a religious war declared on us...we can either roll over and loose or stand up and win.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:30 PM
And I say stand up. I'm in full support of my governments efforts to battle terrorism, even what I call urban terrorism. I would give the po po way more powers to detain gang members, bike gangs etc, to rid our streets of any kind of threat. I would toughen up immigration also, and be way tougher on immigrants claiming refugee status etc.

Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:32 PM
Vast majority of Americans do not understand the enemy or what motivates them to do what they do. One would need to have some good Muslim friends to get an insight into their way of thinking. Most do not have any. This one does have some understanding of underlying reasons for what is happening, but when he questioned something the rest ganged up on his suggesting he was an anti-semite.
Americans will continue to follow the polices that failed for decades and some of them will end up paying the ultimate price. It is almost cruel to send them there saying that they will be bringing peace, stability, freedom and democracy to the middle easterners. Even here where they were born they can not defend themselves because their government does not trust them. In the end it might not have made the outcome any different, but at least the rest could have little piece of mind that they did not fall defenseless. The least the leadership could do is tell them the truth.
Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:42 PM
This post by dal is typical Libtard mis-information for the "they all do it" excuse of real terrorism by Muslims. The untold thousands killed in the name of Islam pale in comparison to the examples cited above and his linking them to "Christianity" is questionable at best. With that in mind it's time to haul out the Libtard information spreader again.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:45 PM
By going to that Muhammad drawing contest in AZ you have helped to motivate that shooter in TN little bit. I just want you to know that.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:54 PM
Can you guys read! I said lock them ALL ALL ALL up! Do you need the definition of 'all' to understand the concept?

Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 12:55 PM
Some of you are so blinded you cant even see when someone is agreeing with you.

Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 01:36 PM
"Some of you are so blinded you cant even see when someone is agreeing with you.:

Posted below is the opening sentence from dal's earlier post. If this is "agreeing with you" I'd hate to see his version of disagreement! smirk I suspect the manure spreader is going to get to work overtime for the foreseeable future! grin

"From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out."
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 02:25 PM
Neoconservatives like Jimbo going to Muhammad cartoon event in AZ are adding a little extra inspiration and determination to those like the shooter in TN. To put it another way they add a "nail" to coffin of their victims.
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 03:25 PM
Originally Posted By: dal
Can you guys read! I said lock them ALL ALL ALL up! Do you need the definition of 'all' to understand the concept?

I hear you, I hear you. You do know that bo can't pardon in Canada right?
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 09:04 PM
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 09:06 PM
Did you read the whole article Jim? Or the the parts that suit you view?

Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 09:16 PM
I just went thru your post again and all I find is some cherry picking you've done of non-Islamic and isolated atrocities which involve a few hundred at most to justify the untold thousands who have been murdered by the Islamic terrorists.
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/18/15 09:51 PM
Originally Posted By: James M
I just went thru your post again and all I find is some cherry picking you've done of non-Islamic and isolated atrocities which involve a few hundred at most to justify the untold thousands who have been murdered by the Islamic terrorists.

I have to admit, that's what I saw... more excuses for a so-called religion which preaches hatred and death to Infidels and wishes to exterminate all Jews. No doubt there are a few wacko Christians, and more than a few wacko atheists. But all pale in comparison to the sheer number of beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, terroristic hijackings of jet airliners, etc. committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. No Christians are declaring Fatwa's on artists and cartoonists. No Christian preachers I know of outside of Obama's Minister Jeremiah Wright are preaching hatred and death from their pulpit. I am Catholic, and I have never heard a Catholic priest even suggest violence against abortion providers, even though all are against abortion and find the killing of unborn babies reprehensible.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 01:53 AM
OK I'll say it...because yous guys refuse to....some christians can up also. Just ask the families of the dead. According to some of you, that makes me pro Islam, not an objective observer.

Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:07 AM
Originally Posted By: dal
OK I'll say it...because yous guys refuse to....some christians can up also....

Individuals mess up every day, can you please show where Christianity up today. If you had to run airport security for a day, would you, harass old white Christian Canadian women, profile young middle eastern males, or walk away from your responsibilities and let the courts sort it out later.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:19 AM
Thanks Craig, yes, if green marians are attacking you, it would be prudent to check green martians, and green martians are being checked.

But lets not forget about the other threats either. A whole lot'a shoot'n going on lately.

Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 06:45 AM
OK dal, I'll say it... because you refuse to... you are a Muslim apologist.

I just reread all of your posts in this thread. You suggested being tough with street gangs, biker gangs, Christian wackos who practice vigilantism on abortion providers, white supremacists, immigrants claiming refugee status, white males, a guy who disliked the IRS, a guy who couldn't tell Sikh's from Arabs, Oklahoma City bombing fall guy Timothy McVeigh, and even little green Martians.

But like the U.S. Golfer in Chief, you can't bring yourself to say those little words about Islamic terrorists even as they perpetrate a disproportionate amount of violence and murder in the world today. Are you afraid of them, or are you one of them? Seems there was a bit of shooting going on up there in the Great White North recently that was settled when a Mountie named Kevin Vickers took a Muslim jihadist out in Parliament. Looks like you may be following us into the abyss, because as your U.S bashing cohort King Brown often says... when the U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a venereal disease.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 11:16 AM
I guess I was not clear when I said All. So yes, line up all The radical Muslim extremists and make sure they never have ability to do harm.

Anything else?

Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 12:52 PM
Originally Posted By: dal

Anything else?


Yes, you guys have a lot of empty space up there in Canada. Could you take in about 20 million excess illegal Mexicans that are taking jobs and using our infrastructure without paying taxes. You asked.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 01:08 PM
I also contend that since our country was built on the Christian religion and our Constitution was written based on the Christian religion that Muslims don't have the "Freedom of Religion" right to practice their religion in our country.
Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 02:05 PM
I don't agree with this at all because; As far as I'm concerned Islam isn't even a "religion" it a radical belief system of a cult still living in the 7th century.
IMO: The next war we fight will be the Crusades Round II.
Obama made two BIG mistakes letting this ISIS cult get the upper hand in the Middle East and trying to reach an agreement with another cult driven Country which is Iran over nuclear weapons.
We will pay a steep price for this lunacy in the future.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 02:50 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I also contend that since our country was built on the Christian religion and our Constitution was written based on the Christian religion that Muslims don't have the "Freedom of Religion" right to practice their religion in our country.

Americans used to say Christian, but now as JimM pointed out to you it has been changed to JUDEO-Christian.
Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 02:57 PM
Judeo-Christian has been the correct and most widely used term for as long as I can remember. It's also important to note that Jews have been an integral part of the United States since day one and if memory serves me correctly it was a Jewish business man that funded the Revolutionary war. AND; Like Christians they practice their religion responsibly and do not try to superimpose their beliefs on others.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:17 PM
Although he was not the first to set foot on the North American continent they also claim Christopher Columbus was a Jew.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:29 PM
No religion practises responsibly all the time. Each is divided---and often powerfully conflicted---in their missions to spread the Word.

Communities that segregated, discriminated on the basis of colour were as devout as others who practised equal rights under the law.

Christian nations declare the right to pre-emptively invade any country, change its institutions, if they decide arbitrarily it's in their national interests to do so.

As for Jews as financiers, consider national debt first appeared when Britain asked the Rothchilds to fund the wars against the French and ruled the seas.
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:31 PM
Did you know that Jesus was a Jew too, and so were his Mom and Dad? Anti-Semites like you who profess to be good Christians might ponder how Jesus would like your views on Jews and Israel.

I have been to Sabbath services in Jewish temples a number of times, and the similarities to Christian services are uncanny. It is quite obvious that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. The Jewish Rabbi's don't preach death and hatred either.

One again, the Great King Brown puts his agenda driven ignorance on full display. Usury pre-dated the writing of the Bible, and was written about within. Countries invading other countries also pre-dated Christianity, and cannot be attributed to one religion or another. We are discussing terrorism in the USA which of late has been predominately of Radical Islamic origin. Predictably, we have our old and new Libtards making excuses for what is inexcusable. Equally predictable is the atheists bashing Christianity and trying to equate it with Radical Islam.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:50 PM
It is impossible to discuss acts of Muslim terrorism without involving the Israelis (mostly Jews). Part of Arab grievance with the government of USA is blind support for the State of Israel. Americans do not have a problem with what Israelis did to the Palestinians because they did the same exact thing to Native Americans.

One could easily ask why are Palestinians paying for what the Germans did to the Jews during World War II? It does not seen that two wrong doings could be right, no?
Posted By: King Brown Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 03:55 PM
There's Jim again: Islam isn't a religion because it's a radical belief system. Christianity embraces everlasting life without compliant virgins. Both are radical in the accepted sense of the word to me.

As for geopolitics of the Middle East, the US is exhausted from its generosity and sacrificing as the world's policeman, and withdrawing with public consent from religious civil wars for a breather.

The extraordinary political shift by the world powers to Iran is to rebalance regional powers while they look for strategies for defusing looming extraterritorial ambitions, not least by China itself.

Jim has forgotten the "steep price" of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, the lessons of occupying forces where the residents don't want us.
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 04:05 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
There's Jim again: Islam isn't a religion because it's a radical belief system. Christianity embraces everlasting life without compliant virgins. Both are radical in the accepted sense of the word to me.

Christianity and adult conversion to Catholicism wasn't radical to your Father in his latter years King, but you tried to besmirch it by claiming he converted and was baptized without belief in the Resurrection. And to think you dishonestly accused me of disrespecting him. What a filthy fraud you are.

We all see the results of your Magic Negro's "rebalancing" in the Middle East King. Relative stability has been rocked by violent overthrows of several governments and Radical Islam is on the march, beheading, ethnic cleansing of Christians, kidnapping, torture, and enslaving of women. Almost as bad as Mitt Romney putting women's profiles in binders. Things were going pretty well in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last year of Bush's Presidency, albeit not without some mistakes and blunders along the way, many due to Libtards insisting on stupid rules of engagement. Obama sure pissed all that away, and left ISIS particularly well armed with Billions in U.S. weaponry that was left behind. We all saw his lack of spine when he allowed Syria's President to cross his Red Line. We all know he'll show a similar lack of resolve when the Iranians cheat again and again as they have in the past.

You really are a senile old idiot, aren't you?
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 04:51 PM
This might cheer you up..... Due to agreement with Iran the "Second Amendment lover" senator Chucky S is probably "shitting bricks" now.
Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 05:21 PM
"There's Jim again: Islam isn't a religion because it's a radical belief system. Christianity embraces everlasting life without compliant virgins. Both are radical in the accepted sense of the word to me."

For Brown: As usual you are FOS! Christians have done more collectively to ease the pain and suffering of those less fortunate in other parts of the world then any other religion and my own church has numerous trip to aide that they sponsor every year.
Just show us ONE INSTANCE where the followers of Islam, which is a radical cult in every sense of the word, have done the same.
The only thing "radical" about todays Christianity is our not responding to Muslim atrocities in kind.
Again I ask all of you not to cite this Canadian idiot and then I won't have to respond to his warped and inane comments.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 06:01 PM
Originally Posted By: James M
"There's Jim again: Islam isn't a religion because it's a radical belief system. Christianity embraces everlasting life without compliant virgins. Both are radical in the accepted sense of the word to me."

For Brown: As usual you are FOS! Christians have done more collectively to ease the pain and suffering of those less fortunate in other parts of the world then any other religion and my own church has numerous trip to aide that they sponsor every year.
Just show us ONE INSTANCE where the followers of Islam, which is a radical cult in every sense of the word, have done the same.
The only thing "radical" about todays Christianity is our not responding to Muslim atrocities in kind.
Again I ask all of you not to cite this Canadian idiot and then I won't have to respond to his warped and inane comments.

Christians do help world wide. For example there is International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to help the Jews.

Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 06:02 PM
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 06:18 PM
By now Gil, you should know that some 'americans' are enthusiastic supporters, through fronts, of global jihad. I wonder what tax stats say about the generosity of R's vs. D's.

Isn't that disclaimer the knee slapper of the weekend, 'we advise each person to thoroughly research any organization before making a donation'. Why, to make sure funds are not diverted to hungry children?
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 07:00 PM
Originally Posted By: craigd
By now Gil, you should know that some 'americans' are enthusiastic supporters, through fronts, of global jihad. I wonder what tax stats say about the generosity of R's vs. D's.

Isn't that disclaimer the knee slapper of the weekend, 'we advise each person to thoroughly research any organization before making a donation'. Why, to make sure funds are not diverted to hungry children?

Let me save you some time.....
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 08:05 PM
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

Thanks Jm, I lost their contact number when I left it in a yamaka that I was having let out.

Good thing boko haram is 'over there' blowing up jews and US operatives in Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria, just in the last week or two. Places that used to be great, probably part responsible for the creation of the .300 H&H. Too bad the jews messed all that up, or I don't care if 'freedom' fighters get cool black guns just as long as I got mine.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/19/15 08:20 PM
You can't be too careful to whom you make charitable donations. Remember the Shriner's Hospital scandal? As for Muslim Charities, the Red Crescent, affiliated with the Red Cross is probably legit. Gil
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 12:53 AM
Yes, you guys have a lot of empty space up there in Canada. Could you take in about 20 million excess illegal Mexicans that are taking jobs and using our infrastructure without paying taxes. You asked.

Don't get me started on the Mexicans! fourtunatly they still need a visa to enter. I feel for your situation. We have a tiny bit of it up here, but our goverment is cracking down. I believe they arrested about 61 of them a few months ago, looking for work at rock bottom wages, amoungts other things. Just diluting our standard of living as far as I'm concerned. The goverment wants to impliment a 'Gold Seal' standard for the trade industry, so all must take an apprenticeship in order to work in the construction industry. Should weed alot of them, and eastern europeans out. Not that I don't want them, but all should play by the same rules.

So we agree.....there is hope!

Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 02:03 PM
Sorry GLS: But those Islamic organizations are so obscure and the "work" they do so unknown that I'd venture to say that most people have never heard of them, (Red Crescent excepted) with good reason.

I just at random picked ONE recent disaster in this case Haiti and here's a list of the agencies providing relief. See any from your Islamic list there?
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 02:09 PM
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 03:28 PM
Gil, she(la), the author, seems to be an effective pro islam lobbyist with an agenda and a job to do. It'd be interesting to know who pays the bills for her to apologize and divert attention from the violence.

We can grab quotes from any old place, one from her, an apparent interview.

'Is aggressive violence inherent in Islam? Umm, I dunno, I guess it depends on how you interpret it? What do you think, what's your opinion? I guess I don't know either, I read one internet article that says it isn't, but a different one that says it is. I guess we'll never figure it out.'

She seems much more meticulous when she is 'researching' topics that are spinable for a favorable impression.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 05:56 PM
There have been two statements implying negative fact made by a poster that took me a few seconds to verify. I didn’t know the answers.
One, was to NAME ONE (his caps) instance where a Muslim Charity helped someone else worldwide.
I Googled Three words: “Muslim Charities USA” and found the link I posted. It was one of many. I posted it because it had the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. I recognized the Red Crescent.
In response, there was an allegation regarding none appearing in Haiti.
I Googled three more words: “Muslim Charities Haiti” and came up with the second link.

As for the OP's suggestion to imprison all Muslims in America to hold them accountable for the future acts of a few, well that's off the charts. He can't be serious.

As for Sheila, I know nothing about her other than her biography posted on the home page of the second link. If I were a Muslim, I, too, would be distancing myself from the radical elements.

Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 06:32 PM
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision. That our government has maintained it all these years should be very disturbing to all of us members of currently favored, but perhaps someday condemned, social groups.

There's nothing in Korematsu that can't be used against anyone here. So, I don't think I'd be touting rounding up people you don't like. The shoe has a way of getting to the other foot.

And it's Yarmulke, Craig. Though I think that's more a European title, than Middle eastern one.

Though in defense of ignorance, I have met remarkably few shotgunners that were Jewish. Maybe 6 or 10 total, over 40+ years, and that is probably because of where I live. YMMV of course.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 07:20 PM
CZ, why do you suppose the 100,000 Japanese-Americans in California, Oregon and Washington were rounded-up, sent to concentration camps, yet no German or Italian-Americans were similarly treated during WWII? After all, they were allies in the Axis. Despite this shameful occurence, the Nisei in the 442 Regimental Combat Team ("Go for Broke")in Europe were awarded over 20 MOH's and rescued the Texas Lost Battalion while their families sat in the camps behind barbed wire.
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 07:35 PM
Wild guess to answer Gil's question... could it be because germans and Italians were not known for radical Japanese jihad suicide attacks that ensured a trip to heaven if they died for the Emporer, and were thus perceived, rightly or wrongly, to pose a greater threat? Loose lips sink ships. Better safe than sorry. No war is conducted perfectly, but the U.S. got 'er done and accomplished a hell of a lot in under 5 years.
Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 08:19 PM
People were afraid. They didn't look like them.
Look at the run up to the internment camps. Weeks. A whole nation on the "round them up" band wagon in just a few weeks. Talk about the power of propaganda.

I expected it to rear it's ugly head after 9-11. I wasn't disappointed.
Posted By: mc Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 10:05 PM
wow Japanese were rounded up after 911, i didn't here about that.i must have been on vacation.
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 10:09 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
People were afraid. They didn't look like them.
Look at the run up to the internment camps. Weeks....

Thanks for the spelling tip on that yarmulke thing. I was going to check my invoice for the tailoring, but I must have tossed it out.

It's been a few years, but I remember going to the Aviation Museum on Pearl Harbor. I believe, might be wrong, that they have a few pictures of Japanese nationals that were posing as local shore fisherman on the edges of Pearl, sending intel back to the motherland.

I guess that means that the local Japanese Americans were not all rounded up, in Hawaii anyway. Go figure, that's where the attack occurs. Maybe, during a world war, there should have been a round up in Hawaii, but who would've rounded out the 442nd.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 11:14 PM
Craig, the round-up occurred in May of 1942. Pearl Harbor was December 7, 1941.

Keith, the Kamikazee attacks didn’t occur until 1944. The internments began May of 1942 for the stated reason to deter “espionage” along the Pacific Coast. The fear was the Japanese would attack California and rumors ran wild. CZ’s opinion seems accurate. Italian and German-Americans looked like the rest of us, but the Japanese didn’t and that’s what Justice Murphy said in his dissenting opinion in Korematsu. Apparently espionage concerns weren’t as great on the Atlantic side of the US which was 2500 miles closer than Japan was to California. However, in a little known U-Boat operation, Operation Drumbeat and succeeding campaigns, in six months during 1942, an estimated 500 vessels and 5,000 lives were lost along the Eastern Seaboard and the Caribbean. 259 off the coast of the U.S. One ship out of Savannah, the City of Atlanta, was sunk off Hatteras at the U-boat shooting gallery “Torpedo Junction” with a loss of 44 men. My grandfather worked for the same company, Savannah Lines, that operated the City of Atlanta. Ironically, he was first mate on the Savannah Lines’s City of Memphis which was sunk by UC-66 March 17, 1917, off the coast of Ireland, less than a month before we declared war against the Kaiser. During Operation Drumbeat, 3 vessels were sunk off the 100 mile long Georgia Coast. At Jacksonville Beach, UC-123, just two miles offshore, to the horror of spectators, sank the Gulf America on a summer night by shelling the ship while surfaced between the beach and the Gulf America. Rheinhard Hardegan, UC-123’s skipper, sank 20 ships off the US coast and one 20 miles from NYC. Growing up in Savannah, I heard the ugly rumors about local Italian fishermen and shrimpers supplying the German subs. I didn’t believe it then nor do I believe it now. If anyone enjoys reading about WWII and Naval Operations, Operation Drumbeat is highly recommended. It reads like a Tom Clancy novel and Michael Gannon is the author. Keith mentioned “Loose Lips sink ships” which grew out of WWII. Another in Gannon’s book, “Sighted sub, sank same”, was one spun by the USN's Eastern Sea Frontier to hide the largely ineffective efforts to combat Drumbeat. A Coastie was said to have sunk a surfaced U-Boat with a bomb off the coast of New Jersey and was alleged to have said it. It didn’t happen. “Sighted sub, sank same” was supposed to instill confidence in the anti-sub operations. U.S. Merchant Marines, who knew better, had a better line “Sighted sub, glub glub.” Homer Hickam's (October Sky) Torpedo Junction details the sub activity off Hatteras. It's good, but Gannon's is my preference. To Kreigsmarine's Admiral Donitz’s consternation, Hitler called off the operation which was largely successful and had us over a barrel early in the war.

Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/20/15 11:20 PM
Originally Posted By: mc
wow Japanese were rounded up after 911, i didn't here about that.i must have been on vacation.

He meant rounding up of Muslims. That would have been wonderful recruitment beacon for Al-Qaeda, Taliban and later for ISIS.
Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 12:20 AM
Part of my family is Japanese.
Been here since early 1800's. They were as American as any person ever admitted through Ellis Island. They just didn't look the same.

The only lesson, beyond the meaning of true forgiveness, I wish to share here is that it can happen to anyone at any time, with just the ginning up of a mob.

Our Supreme Court failed in it's duty to treat all law abiding US citizens the same. And idiots today still excuse the action, and scoff at people that warn of it's modern possibility.
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:19 AM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
....Our Supreme Court failed in it's duty to treat all law abiding US citizens the same. And idiots today still excuse the action, and scoff at people that warn of it's modern possibility.

CZ's opinion is what it is.

I appreciate the time line and other historical points of interest. You seem to be a fan of Naval warfare, take a look at the Infantry's contribution in the war, and what the 442 did in....1944. I admit, I had to look it up.

The Japanese were an incredibly brutal 'adversary', but I will admit that when they made the decision to surrender, the entire nation amazingly complied. I doubt there're any idiots here who would 'lock 'em all up, cause they look funny', but....

The current enemy does not respect or even have borders. They have shown no interest in loosing gracefully, and they don't look like caucasian midwesterners that are one sixty-fourth Japanese.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 12:11 PM
I think Gil hopes to defend Muslims.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 12:17 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 12:43 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 12:53 PM
jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.

Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:31 PM
I would just like to say, that if any of you were being rounded up and imprisoned because of how you look, I would fight to get you free.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:42 PM
Not big on U.S events....but did'nt the goverment want to round up the people in Waco Texas? What were they going to do with them if it had'nt ended so poorly?

It's a question BTW.

Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:48 PM
In Waco, there was at least the pretext that David Koresh had violated the law (before the standoff). And he may have for all I know.

But the Japanese-Americans were imprisoned for the crime of being of the race of people called Japanese.

Both tragedies did occur under a liberal Democratic administration though.
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:52 PM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Both tragedies did occur under a liberal Democratic administration though.

Better watch it Mike. If you keep noticing Liberal Democrat dishonesty and hypocrisy, King Brown will pretend to ignore you.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:54 PM
Well, stUpid jOe pretends to have me on "Ignore." Then he answers my posts.

stUpid is as stUpid dOes.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 01:57 PM I'll agree that sh.t happens under liberal leaderships.

Has ANYTHING ever happened that you disagreed with under a republican leadership?

I'ts a question.

Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 02:02 PM
Off the top of my head:

The second invasion of Iraq.

The re-authorization of the 1965 voting rights act in 2006.

Could come up with more if I thought about it.

But the internment of the Japanese-Americans does not fall under "shit happens." It was instituted as a direct consequence of that core liberal belief that "the ends always justify the means". So "Damn the Constitution, put those Japs in a concentration camp. We have a war to fight." "Damn the law and the Constitution, those illegal aliens will become Democrats if we shelter them and then give them citizenship and then we can get something good done here." and on and on.
Posted By: GLS Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 02:06 PM
Anyone remember the "Impeach Earl Warren" billboards?
Posted By: keith Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 02:09 PM
Originally Posted By: dal I'll agree that sh.t happens under liberal leaderships.

Has ANYTHING ever happened that you disagreed with under a republican leadership?

I'ts a question.


I guess you haven't been paying attention at all dal. Maybe you should go back a few years and do some reading of old posts before asking silly questions. We have criticized Republicans as well as Democrats for our open border policy that became worse under Obama. We criticized Bush 41 for trusting the Democrats and going against his "No new taxes" pledge... which the slimy Democrats then used to slay him. We openly criticized George Bush 43 for adding greatly to the deficit and spending money on things like the Prescription Drug Plan which only made Democrats continue to hate him. We often criticized John McCain, and Mitt Romney was hardly our perfect candidate. But all of the above were the lesser of two evils. Is there any question in your mind which party has the most politicians hell-bent on infringing upon our gun rights... or are you as stupid as Jagermeister?

You seem to prefer the Liberal Left greater of two evils.

It's not a question. It's an observation.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 06:36 PM
Armerilla Queen you're too stupid to explain anything...

The Japanese were locked up because we feared terrorists acts by them.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 06:37 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Wild guess to answer Gil's question... could it be because germans and Italians were not known for radical Japanese jihad suicide attacks that ensured a trip to heaven if they died for the Emporer, and were thus perceived, rightly or wrongly, to pose a greater threat? Loose lips sink ships. Better safe than sorry. No war is conducted perfectly, but the U.S. got 'er done and accomplished a hell of a lot in under 5 years.

A liberal lawyer or a Tex'azz Queen will never understand that.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 06:47 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Both tragedies did occur under a liberal Democratic administration though.

Better watch it Mike. If you keep noticing Liberal Democrat dishonesty and hypocrisy, King Brown will pretend to ignore you.

Well, stUpid jOe pretends to have me on "Ignore." Then he answers my posts.

stUpid is as stUpid dOes.
Posted By: James M Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 09:39 PM
Originally Posted By: dal I'll agree that sh.t happens under liberal leaderships.

Has ANYTHING ever happened that you disagreed with under a republican leadership?

I'ts a question.


I'll take a stab at this question:
Yes I was against the invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam. My point was we could easily win the war but winning the peace was a different matter entirely. I think my objection has proven accurate in the ensuing years.
I, and I believe accurately forcasted, establishing a democracy with 3 groups that hate each other would probably be impossible.
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 10:17 PM
'You seem to prefer the Liberal Left greater of two evils.'

Wrong. My last federal vote was for a very right focused party. A party that joined with another far right party, called the reform party.

I vote for who has the best ideas, and wants to take my country in a direction that I think it should go. I voted federally left of center before that, and at the same, time voted conservative provincially.

I'm not stuck steadfast on any particular ideology or call people idiots, sociopaths, or commies if they have another view. Sometimes they have good ideas....sometimes they don't. Both may screw up at times, and both may make my country stronger.
Alberta for instance, was very, very right. Now in the downturn of oil prices, and everyone losing their houses because the right could not foresee the requirement to save or collect sales taxes, they’ve voted in a far left government. Good for them, maybe it’ll get them through tough times, maybe it won’t. Four years to tell.

Some of you must be a real hoot at get togethers. Anyone mentions, something opposite to your ideology, and you go bezerk. Either that, or they know there’s not going to be a rational discussion, so they just ask about the weather, in fear of getting a verbal lashing.

Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 10:41 PM
Originally Posted By: dal
....I'm not stuck steadfast on any particular ideology or call people idiots, sociopaths, or commies if they have another view. Sometimes they have good ideas....sometimes they don't. Both may screw up at times, and both may make my country stronger.
Alberta for instance, was very, very right. Now in the downturn of oil prices, and everyone losing their houses because the right could not foresee the requirement to save or collect sales taxes....

Hey dal, you mention, may may may. Why not look at actual track record from prior performance rather than getting wowed by campaign rhetoric.

My take, your one example isn't all that good of one. You actually said, it's the governments job to tax just in case? Then what, everyone that 'put in' gets a check, or was this tax to provide corporate welfare for big oil in case of a rainy day?

Shoot, if I heard that at a party, I'd be under some sort of medical distress not berserk. More likely I'd be choking on the brook trout pate unable to wash it down with a fifth of cote.

I thought you were mr. grumpy about all the corporate folks that have. Smart plan, let the corporate fat cats lay off, then your taxes keep these workers warm in the bull pen for when the corporate guys give the nod that they want 'em back in the game.

If two or three folks were rolling around on the ground laughing uncontrollably, would that be a hoot?
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 10:51 PM
Originally Posted By: dal

Alberta for instance, was very, very right. Now in the downturn of oil prices, and everyone losing their houses because the right could not foresee the requirement to save or collect sales taxes, they’ve voted in a far left government.

What? So the Government could make their house payments? I daresay that the more level-headed didn't overextend themselves. The high oil prices were/are a government created bubble however you looked at it. You know, that evil-old Austrian Economic stuff again. It just took a while for the industry, with the aid of the States, to overcome the Federals government's (US) interference...
Posted By: dal Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/21/15 10:59 PM for today....spend for hell with worriying about a rainy day? Is that how you run your household finances?

Then what, everyone that 'put in' gets a check, or was this tax to provide corporate welfare for big oil in case of a rainy day?

errr....ya. Everyone recieved a check for $650 a few years ago, due to a surplus in goverment funds.

Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/22/15 01:17 AM
Dal, Did they shut down Fort Mac when the oil price dropped? I think that's where your rainy day cash is going.
Posted By: craigd Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/22/15 04:17 AM
Originally Posted By: dal
....errr....ya. Everyone recieved a check for $650 a few years ago, due to a surplus in goverment funds.

D. for today....spend for hell with worrying about a rainy day? Is that how you run your household finances?

Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, all I did was flip it over and you contradict yourself in the same comment. Run your household finances, eh. The conservatives let their constituents keep more of their money, you imply, run your house hold responsibly.....then you turn around and say that's an example, the only one you could come up with, of a right wing failure. Weird, eh?
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/22/15 01:08 PM
He probably does't have tens of thousands of .22lr rounds and food in long term storage plastic pails. Hard to imagine eh?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/22/15 01:38 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very sTupid you can only type very sTupid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/23/15 12:05 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: keith
Wild guess to answer Gil's question... could it be because germans and Italians were not known for radical Japanese jihad suicide attacks that ensured a trip to heaven if they died for the Emporer, and were thus perceived, rightly or wrongly, to pose a greater threat? Loose lips sink ships. Better safe than sorry. No war is conducted perfectly, but the U.S. got 'er done and accomplished a hell of a lot in under 5 years.

A liberal lawyer or a Tex'azz Queen will never understand that.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/23/15 12:54 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Both tragedies did occur under a liberal Democratic administration though.

Better watch it Mike. If you keep noticing Liberal Democrat dishonesty and hypocrisy, King Brown will pretend to ignore you.

Well, stUpid jOe pretends to have me on "Ignore." Then he answers my posts.

stUpid is as stUpid dOes.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 04:47 AM
When you ignore an idiot there's this box that shows that says "show users post" when I click it I can see your post...

Even a mOron from Tex'azz should be able to figure that out girlfriend...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 05:00 AM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very sTupid you can only type very sTupid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 12:13 PM
Let's see....

Armadill'r Michael....

The big tex'n that thinks he looks like Brad Pitt and that he looks really cool shooting a sXs....Who secretly looks at Joe Woods pecker every time he can....

Admires liberal lawyers and defends liberal gunsmiths and is no doubt a proponent of gay marriage and sex changes....and judging from the nasty perverted pictures he posts frequents some really f'd up places on the internet.

I think that pretty much sums you up Mike. cool
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 12:19 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Both tragedies did occur under a liberal Democratic administration though.

Better watch it Mike. If you keep noticing Liberal Democrat dishonesty and hypocrisy, King Brown will pretend to ignore you.

Well, stUpid jOe pretends to have me on "Ignore." Then he answers my posts.

stUpid is as stUpid dOes.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 12:34 PM
Hey bub don't fret yer not the first bozo I ran into that thought he was a Rocket Scientist when in actuality he was a mOron....
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 12:34 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very sTupid you can only type very sTupid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/24/15 12:34 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/26/15 12:04 PM
You are one stew'pid azz...

I'm betting you are a foreign import because no red blooded Texan could be as stupid as you are.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/26/15 12:04 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/26/15 12:06 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/27/15 03:03 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/30/15 10:54 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/31/15 12:41 PM
Can you say brain dead ?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 07/31/15 12:53 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stUff. Maybe you should stOp typing.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/05/15 11:49 AM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/05/15 07:17 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
You are one stew'pid azz...

I'm betting you are a foreign import because no red blooded Texan could be as stupid as you are.

My bet's in cool
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/05/15 07:26 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/06/15 12:10 PM
How can a man'she like you think they are so smart yet be so stupid.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/06/15 12:10 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/07/15 09:04 AM
Hey sick pervert.

Would you like me to send you a pair of my underwear that I've hunted in a couple days so you can sniff the SCOTUS area ?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/07/15 11:26 AM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/10/15 01:38 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/11/15 07:11 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/13/15 12:40 PM
Mike you're nothing but a stupid bass'turd...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/13/15 12:43 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want you to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/14/15 10:27 AM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want yOu to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/15/15 01:54 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want yOu to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/15/15 09:01 PM
You can bet one thing pervert...I'll pee on your leg till the end of time.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/15/15 09:21 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want yOu to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/16/15 12:42 AM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I'll pee on your leg till the end of time.

Before, you were always trying to hump my leg.

So progress is progress.

You'll be fit company before you even know it.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/16/15 11:13 AM
Morn'n tex'azz pervert
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/16/15 11:32 AM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots like yOu. I really don't want yOu to stOp. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/18/15 01:48 PM
Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/19/15 09:21 PM
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over you moron.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/19/15 09:28 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/19/15 11:31 PM
If there was a poll on this site I'd show you what a sick moron people think you are.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/19/15 11:46 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/20/15 04:09 AM
You keep posting it over and over because that's all your twisted mind has to offer...

Honestly you don't bother me when you make yourself look like a liberal pervert....fact is I love it. smile
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/20/15 11:21 AM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/20/15 01:45 PM
Screw liberal pervert.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/20/15 02:06 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/22/15 10:45 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/23/15 12:31 PM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike

Your idol Bruce/Caitylyn was a married man/woman before he/she cut his/her wanker off.

But Bruce/Caitlyn's wife didn't stick around after that. Just so you know what to expect.

Tex'azz Pervert.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/23/15 12:32 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 08:33 PM
If one looked up the definition of a goofy pervert your picture would show.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 08:49 PM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 08:57 PM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I'm truly stUpid.

I can't come up with anything to compete with your intellect so I just keep posting the same crap over and over...showing my total ignorance and stupidity in each of my posts.

I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff I wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.

Can I get an Amen ?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 08:58 PM

jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 10:31 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I'm truly stUpid.

I can't come up with anything to compete with your intellect so I just keep posting the same crap over and over...showing my total ignorance and stupidity in each of my posts.

I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff I wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.

Can I get an Amen ?

Amen....pass the plate.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/24/15 10:33 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/25/15 11:18 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/26/15 10:43 AM
Whatz up stew'pid
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/26/15 10:49 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/26/15 09:17 PM
What's up pervert.....
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/26/15 09:20 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/27/15 10:56 AM
My penis has more intellect than you do...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/27/15 10:56 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/27/15 06:01 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/27/15 09:25 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 11:04 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 11:33 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 08:27 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I'm truly stUpid.

I can't come up with anything to compete with your intellect so I just keep posting the same crap over and over...showing my total ignorance and stupidity in each of my posts.

I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff I wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.

Can I get an Amen ?

Amen....pass the plate.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 08:54 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 10:38 PM
Keep saying how stupid I am all the while you're showing everyone on this board what a stupid pervert you are.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/28/15 10:46 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/29/15 06:44 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 08/30/15 08:57 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/02/15 01:47 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/02/15 12:11 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/03/15 12:07 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/03/15 06:07 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/07/15 04:08 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/07/15 11:39 AM
8 replies of the same thing....bOy are you f'd up in the head.

I got a tip for you the only person here that you are going to brain wash is yourself.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/07/15 12:04 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/08/15 01:23 AM

Pervert fried Mikael from tex'azz.....
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/08/15 03:06 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/08/15 11:53 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/08/15 08:23 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/08/15 11:17 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
8 replies of the same thing....bOy are you f'd up in the head.

I got a tip for you the only person here that you are going to brain wash is yourself.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/10/15 04:04 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/10/15 12:30 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/10/15 11:03 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/11/15 01:14 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/11/15 07:20 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/11/15 11:03 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/12/15 12:36 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/12/15 12:48 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/12/15 08:28 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/12/15 08:30 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/13/15 12:19 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/13/15 08:43 PM
11 replies of the same thing....bOy are you f'd up in the head.

I got a tip for you pervert the only person here that you are going to brain wash is yourself.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/13/15 09:07 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/14/15 11:36 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/15/15 03:25 AM

Good mornin' pOser jOe

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Nice to know eYe occupy your thoughts 24/7...

When training a dOg repetition and consistency are very important. When housebreaking a dOg even more so.

Besides, housebreaking yOu is only taking me a few minutes a day.

Have you noticed yet what a pompous ass you were in the "AA Brown thread"? Insulting and belittling, all the while you were wrong about the maker, the lock up and the replaceable hinge pun.

Because you are very stUpid you can only type very stUpid stuff.


You really outdid yourself here:

In this thread jOe argues with everybody about everything. He is wrong over and over. I like the "fake screw" bit myself. One of my favorite parts of this thread is when he realizes he is wrong and starts insulting people, the classic reaction of a stUpid pOser.

jOe you have been here nearly a decade. How can you still be so ignorant about double guns? The only explanation is that you are so very stUpid you have barely learned anything at all since you started posting here.

Do you even own a double gun?

stUpid is as stUpid does.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/15/15 04:10 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/16/15 11:45 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/18/15 03:55 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/18/15 11:48 AM
Mike you still dreaming of adopting a young black girl ?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/18/15 12:58 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/19/15 12:59 AM
Because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote so that it says somehting they didn't say.

stUpid is as stUpid does.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
*** You are ignoring this user ***
Toggle the display of this post

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Ps...remember Mike I've got you on ignore and can't see your lame pictures laugh

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I can't here you dummy. cool

Obviously, stUpid jOe is pleased with his new strategy.

Originally Posted By: keith
Why isn't Caitlyn SKB crying racism over this monkey photo?

Since I posted the monkey photo and applied it to jOe and since he and I are of the same race I don't think it can be called racism.

Is there such a thing as intelligencism? And intelligencists.

I mean, am I an intelligencist since I make fun of pOser jOe because he is so stupid?

Is it possible jOe has been a victim of systemic intelligencism all his life?

Perhaps we should demand our government create a diversity program to help stupid people like jOe?

Maybe require that every company hire a very stUpid, ignOrant, mean-spirited bigOt so that there is more diversity of opinion within their ranks?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/19/15 12:29 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/19/15 10:11 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I still don't get it, Mike. You're a smart guy with a lot more experience than Joe. You're armed daily in business and social affairs with all the personal and value ingredients to handle yourself in any situation. Joe hasn't your wide experience, grammar and vocabulary to find advantage in the cut-and-thrust of Misfires. It comes across to me as bullying. It disappoints me. Deserving or otherwise doesn't come into it. Joe chews real good on me, too.

So your argument is that because jOe is lacking in smarts, wide experience, social skills, values, manners, grammar, and vocabulary I'm supposed to give him a pass for attempted-to-insult comments and hateful bigoted comments?

Not where I come from.

King, like most liberals, you always take up for the underdog. That is one of a few liberal traits I admire. But sometimes the dOg isn't worthy of your efforts.

Sometimes the dOg needs to be taught some manners so hE is fit cOmpany.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/20/15 11:38 AM


See doublegun expert jOe display his vast knowledge:

In this thread jOe argues with everybody about everything. He is wrong over and over. I like the "fake screw" bit myself. One of my favorite parts of this thread is when he realizes he is wrong and starts insulting people, the classic reaction of a stUpid pOser.

jOe you have been here nearly a decade. How can you still be so ignorant about double guns? The only explanation is that you are so very stUpid you have barely learned anything at all since you started posting here.

Do you even own a double gun?

stUpid is as stUpid does.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 10:32 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 10:42 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 10:45 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 10:51 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 11:00 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/21/15 11:34 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/22/15 10:36 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/22/15 10:45 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/23/15 11:31 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/23/15 12:27 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/24/15 11:54 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 09/24/15 08:18 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/03/15 01:18 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/04/15 11:10 AM
This post was doing quite well up until you saw the need to defend a liberal Georgian lawyer back on page 3.

I hope you like the taste of every lasting chit "Queenie".
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/04/15 11:36 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/04/15 05:30 PM
Mike I only type stupid stuff when I'm talking to stupid yOu. wink
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/04/15 07:16 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/05/15 11:24 AM
Mike how's it feel to have me rattling around inside yer head ?
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/05/15 11:27 AM

Because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote so that it says somehting they didn't say.

stUpid is as stUpid does.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
*** You are ignoring this user ***
Toggle the display of this post

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Ps...remember Mike I've got you on ignore and can't see your lame pictures laugh

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I can't here you dummy. cool

Obviously, stUpid jOe is pleased with his new strategy.

Originally Posted By: keith
Why isn't Caitlyn SKB crying racism over this monkey photo?

Since I posted the monkey photo and applied it to jOe and since he and I are of the same race I don't think it can be called racism.

Is there such a thing as intelligencism? And intelligencists.

I mean, am I an intelligencist since I make fun of

pOser jOe because he is so stupid?


Is it possible jOe has been a victim of systemic intelligencism all his life?

Perhaps we should demand our government create a diversity program to help stupid people like jOe?

Maybe require that every company hire a very stUpid, ignOrant, mean-spirited bigOt so that there is more diversity of opinion within their ranks?

Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/29/15 11:49 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/30/15 01:31 PM
yOu gOOfy liberal bass'turd
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 10/30/15 01:33 PM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/02/15 11:40 AM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Judicious use of the moderator's power to ban trolls, trolling, and baiting would also make this a better place.

And you'd be the first brain dead mO'f'r to go...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/02/15 11:40 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/04/15 04:54 AM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Judicious use of the moderator's power to ban trolls, trolling, and baiting would also make this a better place.

And you'd be the first brain dead mO'f'r to go...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/04/15 04:55 AM
jOe because you are very stupid you think you are the first one that ever thought of editing someone's quote to make it say something that it didn't say.

Because you are very stupid you can only type very stupid stuff.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/05/15 02:05 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/06/15 01:33 PM
Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Judicious use of the moderator's power to ban trolls, trolling, and baiting would also make this a better place.

And you'd be the first brain dead mO'f'r to go...
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/06/15 01:38 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/06/15 01:41 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/07/15 01:51 PM
Mike....let me out of your head.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/07/15 01:51 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/07/15 01:56 PM
Mike....let me out of your head.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/07/15 01:56 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/09/15 04:32 AM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/09/15 09:54 PM
This sOngs for you Mikey

Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/09/15 10:05 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/09/15 10:42 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Terrorism in the USA - 11/17/15 08:04 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!
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