Joe- I also concur 100% with King Brown- your analysis is "dead nuts on target"- McNamara may have been Ford's "whiz kid" but that numbnut wanted all units and branches to wear the same uniform (before BDU) and footgear- and refused the extra cost to have the "piece of crap" M-16 revised with chromed chambers-at first- Charlie Cutshaw just reported that our troops are going back to the reliable M-14 (good move- I used the M-21 variant) and we went back to the equally reliable 1911 A-1 in .45ACP instead of the Beretta 9mm sidearm-Rumsfeld is like Cheney- only he hasn't shot any lawyers while quail hunting in TX- a stooge from the world of big business- you don't win wars by being "cost effective" you win 'em like Patton said- "By making the other bastards die and in far greater numbers"!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..