Lead shot is dropping, but is is like gas prices. They go up in large amounts and slowly come back down. Dealers are in no great hurry to drop prices on inventory they already have unless they are forced to do so. All the lead in the system is at a higher cost so I would not expect to see major price drops yet. I look for a 60-90 day lag in shot prices. Problem is will lead stay low or is it going to rebound?

I bought several years supply back before it went over $12.00 a bag so I have been able to ride out the big price hike. Wife thought I was crazy to buy so much, but later came to understand my keen insight in lead future prices. Wish she saw my wall of empty hulls with the same wisdom. Oh well. In fact I have lent 40-50 bags to others so they could keep shooting and not have to buy the $40-50/bag shot. Seemed stupid to be sitting on cheap shot and not let others have some. I did not want the money and will be just as happy to get repaid in shot later when it drops down to more reasonable levels.

I am also looking a Bismuth prices and they have come down as well, but are still fairly high. The $5-7 a pound prices may be history in Bismuth but I hope not. My doubles like Bismuth and my supply is getting down.