Hi Markel, sorry to hear about what happened. You know it's a shame when things like this happen. I would have thought a "big" outfit like CSMC would be more on the ball. I don't know if Tony knows about this, but I sure would let him know how you were treated and the attitude you had to put up with.

I've bought several guns thru the net from both private parties and retailers. I've been very lucky so far. I know when I'm interested in a gun I ask a lot of questions (I have a question sheet I use) it has saved me in the past from bad guns, I may bug the crap out of the seller but I do know what I'm getting (if they have been honest). I have missed out on a couple because of this (either they don't answer or I waited to long).
I know that one is at the mercy of the seller when it comes to returns especially private paties, but gosh CSMC!!!

In some ways, I wish gun dealers were more like other retail sellers when it comes to large purchases. You know, bend over backwards to help, make sure that your happy. But it seeems some are becoming more like Honest Johns Used Car Sales.

Anyway, sorry again to here about your plight. I'd call Tony to see what he has to say.

Good Luck!

All the best!!


Gregory J. Westberg