Charlie Cutshaw (decorated 'Nam Vet and LE officer in 'Bama) writes some good stuff in GUN DIGEST on home defense scenarios: besides your choice of weaponry keep a charged cell phone (some perps will cut phone lines prior to their B&E manuevers) a Sure-Lite, survival style knife, and a set of house keys on a blaze orange marker (to toss out for the police, if and when they arive- let them enter and do the house clearing- you (and yours) stay in a safe room, with the 12 gauge riot pump loaded with buckshot-pointed at the doorway (aka- the tunnel of Death- let the bad guy(s) come to you, even though you know the house inside and out- and in the dark dead of night- if a bright inside light goes on somehow- it is blinding to your eyes accustomed to the dark- another reason why I prefer the sure thing of a riot pump shotgun- cops use 'em- "tunnel rats" used them for a "front door knocker" in Vietnam- I also sleep with a Combat Commander under my pillow-when there are no grandkids staying over-and sleeping with one eye open and doing a perimeter check after Letterman is second nature to me-I figure it this way- anyone attempting a B&E during the night ain't there to sell Girl Scout Cookies-and I assume they are armed, dangerous and have the intent to do me or my family a VSF!!

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 07/25/08 08:40 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..