8-bore- good in theory- but in reality- first, firing that many loud BP blank loads is a lot of noise and blast in a confined area (your home) and perhaps you are right- it could scare off someone who was inside- or-they could take cover and wait. jump you while you are reloading with the real thing- or go next door and prey upon your neighbors--my current next door neighbor is a "Statie" who works undercover- tracking bad guy bail jumpers and "most wanted" bad bad dudes- he carries a Glock- once asked him about the "shoot to wound" vs. "shoot to kill" theories- his words- "We are trained that if we pull our weapon and shoot- it is strictly shoot to kill- if we do otherwise we can be cited and even discharged from duty"!!The times have changed, drugs are prevelant- value of human life-tougher economic times for many-and you have carte blanche to do what you want to defend your home of course. If a perp is running out of my garage with my weed whacker- I'm not gonna shoot-how do you prove self defense as a civilian when you shoot someone in the back as they are fleeing? But let some drug-crazed zombie physically break into my home and invade my sanctuary- Mr. I shoot to kill-and on shotguns, this same neighbor "Statie" told me they only use 2 & 3/4" 00 buck loads- not 3" (even if your pump is so chambered) as their armorers feel the extra 1/4" OAL can give a "weight-forward" tilt to a 3" round and cause a possible jam or double feed- and that at shotgun range- a 2 & 3/4" inch shell has enough stopping power-I hope and pray that the bad guys never invade, but if the "Fit Hits Da Shan" I know what I am trained and prepared to do-no reservations!! RWTF

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 07/25/08 08:44 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..