Agree Chuck- read Hemingway's posthumously published "True At First Light" (re-hash of a 1952 Safari he and wife Mary Welsh H. took with Philip Percival- in it he tells of a shoulder shot from his 1903 30-06 that dropped a leopard from a tree naptime-but the cat went into a mangrove thicket- he took a M12-filled with No. 8 birdshot-eventually killed the dying big cat- and he also told of seeing a leather jacketed "punk" shot at close range with birdshot-I prefer No. 0 buckshot, but would use any plastic hulled 12 gauge load in my "defense pumpgun"! RWTF

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 07/25/08 08:46 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..