Originally Posted By: Dave K
way way to paranoid Jack...geeze I do feel sorry for those that live in fear like that

Are people who use seat belts or drive cars with airbags "paranoid"? Is having a smoke alarm, or CO alarm or fire extinguisher in the home "paranoid"? Are people who strap their kids into child safety seats "paranoid" - and "living in fear"?

Simple, cost-efficient and effective precautions can save lives in many ways. It only makes sense to use them. If you already have firearms in your house, it makes sense to work out a home defense plan with your family right now, so in the rare event that you ever do need it, you won't have to 'invent the wheel' under stress.

When I was parachuting, Dave, I didn't "live in fear" - but I always had a reserve chute. In my climbing days, we roped up and belayed; in scuba diving, we carried octopus regulators but still trained on buddy breathing, and spent a lot of time on safety. Complacent carelessness is not a mark of manhood - it's a mark of stupidity.

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