Plan for the worst and hope for the best. I got some useful planning information from this thread. And things look pretty hopeful to me. We are going to have some quail this year. Neither of my landlords has raised my birdlease prices. I have three creditable birddogs that find a lot of birds, point, honor, and retrieve to hand. I have two puppies with lots of potential. My business is doing fine. I run 10 service vehicles and although gas is expensive we can get it. My wife's and my health are excellent. My son is healthy and making a living and independent. I have my virtual friends here and my hunting buddies. I have some really neat old hand made doubleguns.

The War of Independence
The War of 1812
The War Between the States
World War I
The Worldwide Flu Pandemic
The Great Depression
World War II
The Cold War
Mutually Assured Destruction

We came through all those and this is still a great place to live, work, shoot and hunt.

Really, life is good for me right now and I think for most of yall.



I am glad to be here.