I'm with you here Keith- and I love to shoot the groundhogs (woodchucks) ditto raccoons, skunks, possums, stray cats etc. that get into my garden (I live in a rural area, where hunting and the sound of gunshots are common, Thank God). Can't speak for the gated communities- or Lowell (Mass?) or any of the "bleeding hearts" on this thread-but as I said before, some dude or dudes try to break into my home (read CASTLE DOCTRINE here troopies) they ain't there to sell me Girl Scout cookies-I use factory ammo- never thought about reloads or Black Talons (I have some in .357M) and the relatives of the deceased Piece Of Shit that died in my house due to his criminal stupidity trying to sue me for "un-necessary force" or some other sych legal BS-You guys that don't like what I am saying-please read 'Nam Vet Charlie Cutshaw's columns in GUN DIGEST- he spells it out so that even Pfc. Shitburner Detail can figure it out- You are either a sheep or a sheepdog-in the world of today- try walking around after nightfall in our Nation's Capital City- unarmed and unprepared- Good luck and Via Con Dios!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..