Tell you what Lowell- Firepower exists for a reason- if you want to "roll over and play dead" for the bad guys, the druggies, the rapper-induced gang bangers- even if you live in a "safe area"- your choice- some of our Field Commanders thought Da Nang was a "safe area" until the Tet surprise party of 1968- ditto the pinheads who said Pearl Harbor was safe from a torpedo attack, because it was a shallow harbor and back then- torpedoes apparently needed greater depth to run effectively-and they ignorned Billy Mitchell back in 1925- damn near court-nartialed him for his predictions- including an air attack on Pearl (he though Chinese would be the aggressors)!! Best reason (besides military familiarity) I prefer a Combat Commander in .45 ACP was said years ago by the late Bob Brister- in his book "Moss, Mallards and Mules"- his black mentor as a lad growing up in Texas tolod him "Man carryin' hisself a big pistol most likely won't have to use it"_ You make your own choice Lowell-and leave me to defend my family and home the way I see fit-fair enuf??RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..