Originally Posted By: jack maloney
[quote=Chuck H]You're more likely to be involved in a serious car accident than a violent crime...

If you really want to play the odds on what is "more likely," you should look at the facts:

U.S. CAR ACCIDENTS: 2.9 million injuries, 42,636 fatalities (2005)

U.S. CRIME VICTIMS: 2.6 million robberies or burglaries, 1,417,745 violent crimes (2006)

U.S. Deaths annually due to Medical Mistakes: Over 300,000 ...so why is the AMA always preaching and lobbying for more gun control? And remember, these are just the mistakes that come to light. How many more are buried... literally?

Last edited by keith; 07/28/08 01:18 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.