I happen to know John McCain somewhat. He used to voluntarily teach classes to my ROTC students at Arizona State University before he was first elected to the House of Representatives. I like the guy, got a little upset with some of his doings but for the most part he is miles ahead of the media's darling Obama. I laugh at how the dems are trying to make it a crime to own more than one house. John probably doesn't own any but his wife is a good CEO of the company her father left her and has invested some money in real estate - what is wrong with that? Ask Soros, Obama's major backer how many houses and politicians he owns? Cindy is a super lady active world wide in mine removal to prevent unnecessary deaths and injury. Worked at the down and dirty level of bringing health care to people in poverty striken nations (she is a qualified nurse). She is very approachable and doesn't look down on anyone. Certainly isn't ashamed of her country. Palin has been the governor or the largest state and has apparently done a good job there. Better qualified than ole Bill Clinton with the sad state of Arkansas. Best I can tell Obama hasn't run a popsicle stand but now thinks he is qualified to be President? Listed about 45 things he is going to do which further indicates his lack of experience. Few Presidents have ever been able to accomplish more than one significant goal per four years except Jimmy Carter who had several he accomplished and they were all the wrong direction!