Originally Posted By: DRM
I think it took this election for myself to suddenly realize that the vast majority of my fellow gun lovers are such one issue voters. I have seen so many posts on so many gun forum sites that even though the poster doesn't like McCain at all he would never vote for Obama or for a Democrat. Somehow it is just hard for me to see any difference whatsoever between this single minded gun view as it for me to understand a single minded anti-abortion view, anti-non-christian view, ant-gay view, et all. I wished it was more than just a single issue that drives voters to make a choice in any election.

You're making an assumption that probably doesn't fit many of us. Certainly not me. Maybe you're a Democrat. That would explain it. I don't care much for McCain either but IMO, any Republican is better than any Democrat, based on their general stated values and observed practices. As to abortion, I couldn't care less. Anything up to about 12 years old would be OK with me. We have too damn many kids anyway, especially here in Utah. If there's one thing the world does NOT need, it's more unwanted kids, to grow up wild and turn into criminals. Abortion should be none of the government's business. How many issues do you think the typical Democrat thinks about? Hate Bush is the only one I can think of. Of course Obama says this is the "greatest country in the world, come help me change it". Saywhat?

> Jim Legg <