Originally Posted By: DRM
I think it took this election for myself to suddenly realize that the vast majority of my fellow gun lovers are such one issue voters. I have seen so many posts on so many gun forum sites that even though the poster doesn't like McCain at all he would never vote for Obama or for a Democrat. Somehow it is just hard for me to see any difference whatsoever between this single minded gun view as it for me to understand a single minded anti-abortion view, anti-non-christian view, ant-gay view, et all. I wished it was more than just a single issue that drives voters to make a choice in any election.
Well DRM, I don't think I'm single minded, but a candidates' position on the second amendment is obviously very important to me. I figure that if they can't grasp the clear and simple meaning behind that, especially a few weeks after the Supreme Court clarified that meaning, then they will have difficulty with more complex issues. I had been horrified that if any Dumbocrat won this one that Biden could well have been our next Supreme Cout justice. Of course, he could still do great damage as V. p., especially if some wack-job were to assisinate Obama. Obama would then be a martyr and guns would be vilified forever. I sometimes wonder if there isn't some Wag the Dog scenerio being played out here by George Soros and the boys, as certainly Obama didn't get record campaign contributions from poor folks and college kids who can barely afford beer and gas money. And Biden was on Meet The Press more than Tim Russert over the past two years. Something stinks here, however so far I like McCains' pick for V. P. Can a woman who is more attractive and less corrupt and liberal than Hillary actually attract woman voters? So far my small informal poll says yes.

Last edited by keith; 08/29/08 09:15 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.