Well, she is certainly more pleasing to look at and listen to than that old gas-bag Hillary. Both have a broom. Hillary to ride and Sarah to sweep out the dirt.

In all seriousness, I have not been this excited in a long time. The pro is that she appears to be a pretty tough gal when it comes to taking on unethical people and companies. Even within her own party. The question will be, can she stare down Putin and the other whack jobs in Iran, North Korea and elsewhere if need be. I think so. I think that this a great ticket for those of us who are fed up with elected officials who feel that we are here for them.

John McCain - Naval hero, and highly experienced Senator and Statesman. Truly a man of strong character.

Sarah Palin - Governor, Life member of the NRA, family oriented, gutsy and brutally honest. A true, Washington outsider.

Barack Obama - An inexperienced empty suit with a hidden, left-wing agenda.

Joe Biden - A career Washington insider in the purest sense.

How can this even be a contest???