Originally Posted By: Bob Noble
"This dollie from Alaska" happens to by my boss and I have alot of respect for her! I really dont think there is anyone on this BBS that knows her better than I do.

Bob: I just did 50 days, 10,700 miles from my farm on the IL/WI stateline to Dead Horse, via Klondike Hwy, Tok, Fairbanks, Denali, Wasilla, etc. (Anchorage and Kenai next year). This was my 50th state, I've seen them all, and anyone who hasn't spent time in Alaska, can't begin to translate another person's Alaskan life experience into meaningful dialogue. Alaska is unique. Whether this translates into presidential qualifications, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.

Even though Ms. Palin (did I spell her name correctly?) was pictured in the newspapers wife Nancy and I read in Alaska, and I think her picture was on my fishing regulations, I didn't recogonize her, nor could I recall her name (or spell it?). This woman needs explaining, which is not the usual criteria for a person who could be a heart beat away from chief executive of the world's leading nation.

I am a life-long republican; my daughter worked for the RNC on the DC hill with Frank Farenkoff and Lee Atwater (circa Reagan/Bush Sr.). Ah! The wonder years!

I have since watched the Illinois republican party crash and burn, the result being that BHO ran essentially unopposed four years ago for the senate seat vacated for no good reason by our republican senator Fitzgerald, who preemptively retired just as he got some senority.

At the time, BHO, as an IL state senator, had less clout than a Chicago alderman (plus no track record). Meanwhile our then republican govenor Ryan was under the cloud of impending indictment, and now resides in the federal slammer. BHO's republican opponent (coincidently named Ryan), was accused by his estranged wife of taking her to a sex club (in aid of her divorce court petition for temporary alamony, child support, and no-visitation for the sex-club evil doer). Estranged husband Ryan, the candidate for the senate seat, withdrew from the ballot at the 11th hour...and we got BHO.

McCain is not a strong candidate, and his running mate with 2 years as chief executive of a remote state with silght electorial votes (and less than 500,000 people?)...well, I will pull the red lever and hope. She seems like my kind of person, as do many like minded people in my acquaintance, but this is a country of over 300 million. McCain and I are both naval air alums of the Viet Nam era, which might make for pleasant conversation at a reunion; and I'm sure Ms. Pailin's NRA life membership means she and I are on the same wavelength vis a vie the 2nd Amendment, but nevertheless, I am exasperated.

The problem is not the govenor of Alaska--a wonderful person for Alaska; the problem is the candidate in chief who has shown how little he knows about the expectations of those underwhelmed people whose votes he needs to put him over the top. I believe we are royally screwed. EDM