Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Poor McOldie doen't know how many homes there are because most if not all were bought by his rich wife.

McCain's problem is that he doesn't know how to turn a blind-side, below-the-belt meaningless journalistic jab to his own advantage. The question was "How many houses do you own?" Has anybody ever asked an democrat like Kennedy the same question?

If McCain had simply said that he had a primairy "home" in his home state of AZ to be near his constituants, and a second "home," of necessity, in DC where he works (as do the great majority of senior elected officials), and his wife has a family trust with diversified investments, some in rental properties including condominiums), he would have defused the personal attack question.

Jagermeister: Please be advised that the American dream is to have a rich wife. John Kerry's wife (Heinz) was and is rich beyond belief; Al Gore's whole family is Old South wealth; The Kennedy's are at the top of the dollar denominated food chain, and John Edwards gets $400 hair cuts...can you imagine how much his wife pays for a hair-do in retaliation for his admitted sexual escapades. And nobody has ever accused Hillary of cheating on food stamps. So what does a "rich wife" have to do with anything in presidential politics?

McCain's problem is not a rich wife or her realestate investments that could be characterized as "houses" by the drive by media; his problem is the inability to speak forcefully to the issues that are important to republicans, and this was amplified by his fumble-mouth answer to a totally irrelevant question. McCain's candidatcy seems to be not relevant to the job at risk. He is ineffective as a counterpoint to BHO, who is a mile wide and an inch deep.

McCain is so deep that rank and file republicans cannot fathom him. Perhaps he is the old-time statesman who can salvage what seems to be a dire situation, harped on incessantly by the 99.9% democratic network news and major market newspapers. Old Rush-bo harrangs constantly about the dems wanting to reinstate the fairness doctrine to shut down talk radio. If this happens, PBS and network TV are SOL. The one-sided news-media-lovefest since BHO spoke at the democratic convention in 2004 has been a wall-to-wall advertisment for BHO's presidency. John McCain got his 15 seconds to say something witty about "houses" and he blew it.

As I said in my original post, Ms. Palin is not the problem, her name on the ticket is not a poison pill, she is the kind of like-minded govenor many of us could learn to love, but 2 years as chief honcho of less than 500,000 people at a remote place that most Americans cannot identfy with as a state...well, she might as well be the Queen of Guam for all we know of her. Candidates for high office should rise up through the ranks by their proven merit over a sufficent period of time that their name becomes known as an extension of their recogonized accomplishments. A surprise person who has to be introduced to an unknowing public, with this stranger's putitive qualifications being explained like on a job resume, is NOT VP material at this premature stage in his or her political career.

BHO is not presidential material, even though several years in the Illinois senate and 4 years as a US senator trumps Ms. Palin's 2 years of being govenor of Alaska every time. How can the republicans make BHO's inexperience an issue with someone even less experienced on the ticket? And the idea that someone's inability to take a leak standing up is going to attract sufficent persons who share the same disability and help McCain's hopes in November...well, that bridge in Brooklyn is still on the market. EDM