Candidates for high office should rise up through the ranks by their proven merit over a sufficent period of time that their name becomes known as an extension of their recogonized accomplishments.

With respect to elected high government officials, it's precisely that kind of "experience" of entrenched, corrupt "insiders" that a lot of Americans are fed up with. It's only the outsiders not yet poisoned by the party machines that offer real hope.

A surprise person who has to be introduced to an unknowing public, with this stranger's putitive qualifications being explained like on a job resume, is NOT VP material at this premature stage in his or her political career.

I see. So you assume that your ignorance of a Governor with a 90% approval rating is representative of everyone else's? Rather presumptuous, don't you think? It is, but, even if not, at a minimum it shows Senator McCain to be more on the ball than you.

BHO is not presidential material

BHO certainly isn't presidential material, and his political career clearly establishes that his "experience" is something that is a detriment of value to our country. The opposite is true of Governor Palin's.

even though several years in the Illinois senate and 4 years as a US senator trumps Ms. Palin's 2 years of being govenor of Alaska ever time.

Simply absurd...and Governor Palin has accomplished more in two years in office that OBiden has in 36 years in the Senate.

And the idea that someone's inability to take a leak standing up is going to attract sufficent persons who share the same disability and help McCain's hopes in November..

Ah...so that's your problem.

"Serious rifles have two barrels, everything else just burns gunpowder."