Originally Posted By: Amigo Will
We are all African decent HJ, thats all I'm saying.Facts seem to show that every person on earth today DNA leads back to a little Bantu women.The American Indians well some came from the far north west and some the far north east,looking now like east may have been first.
As for Palin's daughter well they got long boreing winters up there and seventeen ain't a baby in many families such as those that let their kids join the military at seventeen

Cro-Magnon Man appeared,seemingly out of nowhere,in Europe 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. He had modern* human features and was apparentely Caucasian. How do the "facts" stated above explain this?
*It is universally accepted that Cro-Magnon Man is Not a decendent of Neanderthal Man.

Last edited by italiansxs; 09/02/08 11:22 AM.

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