Right on the Money Sir John- lotsa wisdom from the NH area-I had already decided when I first heard old "Boma" say that-"punished with a child", he is equating pregnancy (no matter the circumstances) with a illness- sort of like the leper colonies not so long ago- or the "shunning" some religious sects might inflict- I am a Catholic- not a good one perhaps, but I believe all life is sacred-and children- well the late Fr. Flanigan said it best- back in 1921 or so "No man stands taller than when he bends down to help a child" Obama is a chameleon-as a Vet. I appreciate McCain's service and sacrifice (5 & 1/2 years loss of freedom) to our Country-I still have my doubts about him, but when you put the two side-by-side, the choice is clear. God forbid we get Obama and Biden-and then Hillary for the Supreme Court-a nightmare scenario for gun owners, and an open invite for Al Quida to destroy us. RWTF!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..