Originally Posted By: italiansxs
even though several years in the Illinois senate and 4 years as a US senator trumps Ms. Palin's 2 years of being govenor of Alaska ever time.
4 years?? Obama served EXACTLY 143 days in Congress. The ONE committee he was appointed to never even met!

and (from where is NOW now ?)

"The Democrats and their fellow travelers in the media have tried to attack her for being "inexperienced." I certainly hope they continue down that path, considering the guy at the TOP of their ticket was approving dog license fees in Chicago 3 years ago."

another good point from that article;
"There has been a lot of talk during this campaign about percentages. In his acceptance speech the other night, Barack Obama got big applause when he said that John McCain had voted with President Bush 90 percent of the time and that he didn't want to gamble on a 10 percent chance for change.

What Obama didn't tell you is that he has voted 95 percent of the time with liberal Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. That would be the same Harry Reid, who along with uberliberal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, head up a Democratic-led Congress with a sensational 9 percent job approval rating. Obama is part of that liberal Congressional leadership of which 91 percent of the American people disapprove. Obama votes with them 95 percent of the time."

and one final one:
"In a campaign of dueling percentages, Sarah Palin has one that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, even President Bush would walk over their grandmothers for: as governor, her job approval stands at 80 percent. Even apple pie doesn't have 80 percent approval. She is McCain's secret weapon: solidly conservative, living family values, attractive, warm, and -- what do you know? -- NORMAL."

Last edited by Dave K; 09/02/08 12:43 PM.

Hillary For Prison 2018