Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Today pregnancy of teen daugher is a non-issue. I feel bad for that poor kid as she is going to have to grow up waaay toooo fast, but she proly didn't know about condoms much less how to use one.
Honorable McOldie is goin' on to 73 and if somethig were to happen to him if he won......., OH NO! I like and respect McOldie for his service to the people of this country but sadly his time has passed. It's not all bad there are: Cuban cigars, fishing, grandkids?,.....
Had he picked someone like Tom Ridge he could easily have my vote, but the best I can do now is to sit this one out. It's too bad because the 4th is my day off.

Teenage chidren start to become their own person and may make choices contrary to their upbringing. Unfortunately these choices can have life changing consequences.

Making no choice is a choice and comes with consequences. Let's hope that won't be life changing for you.