Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
Agreed Jack... that's why our separation church/state is so critical. The good government has no business telling me what to believe since the 'truth' is largely a matter of conjecture for right now.

We need elected officials who respect constitutional limitations, and we also need citizens and voters who are a little less zealous about what they know to be the truth and wish to impose on others.

Same old choices... which end of the constitution do you want to see eroded, and what freedoms do you wish to surrender?

I couldn't agree more. In their current iterations, BOTH major political parties hate the Constitution - they just hate different parts - and both are constantly trying to neuter the parts they don't like. They take an oath to uphold it, then spend their entire political careers trying to destroy it.

I think the issue of a pregnant daughter IS an issue. Obama might say let's lay off of this but you can't tell the voters that. I think it could be a BIG issue with many people. We will have to wait and see.

Impossible. Cheney's gay daughter was a HUGE issue - to the media. The voters couldn't have cared less. Palin's otherwise normal 17 year old daughter is marrying the father and keeping the baby. It's a non-issue that the media is trying to turn into a scandal because they back Obama. Dumb, because the tactic of exploiting the kids of politicians for political gain actually offends the electorate. Obama is smarter than I thought he was. He's distancing himself from this because he knows it will backfire. It's a non-issue as it is, but if the media continues trying to make a big deal out of it, it will actually help Palin, not harm her.

"Serious rifles have two barrels, everything else just burns gunpowder."