Originally Posted By: italiansxs
"To those who talk about "third world" conditions in America, I have to ask: have you actually spent any time in real Third World countries? Anyone who has, knows the comparison is absurd."

I spent around three weeks in Brazil a couple of years ago and have made countless trips to Mexico,Belize and other South American "paradises". The trip to Brazil almost killed me as I contacted Whooping Cough and Walking Pneumonia while there.

Jim, most global organizations (including the CIA) have dropped the term 'Third World' in favor of 'developing nations.' But Brazil and Mexico don't qualify as 'Third World' or 'developing' nations - in fact, they are among the richer half of the world's countries.

I have worked in famine refugee camps in West Africa and orphanages in Haiti where the poverty, squalor and human misery go beyond anything you'll ever see in Latin America. Oh - and I grew up on the South Side of Chicago - it ain't anywhere near 'Third World.'

There are places in America which are relatively poor, and relatively dangerous, compared to most of this country...but they're nowhere near as bad as a lot of the world we live in.

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