Originally Posted By: mc
ok EDM, tell me about Obammas executive experience.less than 150 days in the senate. voted present most of the time in the state house. and there is the community organizer(i really don't know what that is)he has Biden on old time insider from the huge state of Delaware.fill me in I'm missing something?obama is the top of the dem .ticket Palin is second.

First let me tell you about the keyboard: There is a button lower left that says "Shift." You should start all sentences with a capital letter by using this button. That big long bar centered at the bottom will put a space after a finished sentence, which always should have a period, the little dot button lower right. After reading your post I understand why you are asking me to tell you about "Obammas executive experience." Nice capital "O," by the way, but one two many "M's" and, Hey! nice period, but plus points are negated by the omission of the apostrophy in the possessive.

To answer your specific question about BHO's "executive experience," I believe a plain reading of my post is that "BHO is a mile wide and an inch deep." If you read executive experience into my allusion to the thinest of presidential credentials then I gotta be more pacific [sic]. I explained Obama's rise to fame in default of a viable republican opponent. BHO was a non-person in the Illinois senate, and the drive-by media made him a presidential candidate based on a single speech at the democratic convention 4 years ago. Obama's strong point is that he has no record or experience--he has network TV and almost all the newspapers; on the other hand, strictly speaking, all it takes is have been be born in the USA at least 35 years ago, and still be alive on election day. Worse yet, they keep letting people in Florida vote. We are royally screwed! EDM