Originally Posted By: Last Dollar
Well, Mark, the answer to your question, "can I shoot 2 3/4" cartridges in a short chamber?" seems to have been answered! First memorize the SAAMI report, then fire your gun remotely while its hanging from a rope, get a degree in physics and mechanical engineering, buy some gauges to test stress, send your loads off to an independent lab to have them evaluated, then fire it from the space shuttle, with the tailgate down, and most important DONT listen to any one who who cant confound you with equations and datums...You are on your own, Pal, I got lost a long time ago...

LOL!! Too funny. I tested some 2.5" loads with my Lefever yesterday for the first time. After signing my last will and testament, I kissed my wife, petted my dog, tied a string to the trigger, crawled down into my bomb shelter and let er rip. Ok, not really, but shockingly, the twist damascus barrels didn't blow up (Amazing. I guess I'm not the only one to have fired the gun in the last 100 years), they all went bang, some patterned better than others, and some kicked a bit more than others. It was all very scientific, until I got yelled at for using the patterning board when the range was closed. Oops. I thought that was ok, but obviously not.

In all seriousness, one thing that did surprise me was how little difference there was in loads where I used a full plastic wad and ones where I cut the petals off. Pretty negligible difference. That Lefever throws a very tight pattern too, choked m/f. Time to break out the spreader loads, publish my all findings, and send them off to Ithaca.

Last edited by Mark Larson; 09/07/08 08:33 AM.