#1 is useful if you intend to shoot the gun with the butt in the crook of your elbow, otherwise it means nothing.(courtesy of JOC)

Otherwise, choose answer #2. I favor 1/2" to 1". It's a personal thing but many people who "need a long LOP" would need less if they were putting the butt where it belongs, in the pocket inside the shoulder muscle. Some put it on the shoulder muscle and some, way out on the bicep. This is wrong for many reasons.

Shorter than ideal is better than longer, so long as your nose isn't getting bumped during recoil. JMO, of course.
If you look at the pictures of the current sporting clays hotshots, nearly all of them have their nose right up very close to their trigger hand.

Last edited by Jim Legg; 09/21/08 10:03 AM.

> Jim Legg <