Interesting that S, D&G began sometime in 1873 and by 1890 they had a bout with the U.S.A. Goverment - case law, , where it seems to note that S, D&G imported components and had them assembled as an attempt to circumvent the McKinley Tarriff Act( ). Wasn't there a Charles Daly & Company(maybe in the 1920s) under the S, D&G umbrella? Apparently they used tradenames, one which they used to import say barrels and another gunstocks all via a steamer from Amsterdam(or name proper): "The importers, Schoverling, Daly & Gales, of the city of New York,
on the 20th of October, 1890, imported, per steamer Amsterdam, into
the port ofiNew York certain gun-stocks with the usual metal mountings
complete, without the barrels. The collector of the port assessed duty
thereon under paragraph 170 of the tariff act of October 1, 1890, which
provides forboth a specific and ad valorem duty upon "all double-bar-
relled, sporting, breech-loading shotguns." The collector held that they
should pay such duty because the only use to which they could be put
was in connection with the barrels of such arms, and it was admitted by
the importers to be their intention to nt the stocks with barrels imported A
by another house, in which a member of their firm was a partner."

Charles Daly & Co, Overbaugh & Daly, Manhattan Arms( ) , etc. all could have been under the S, D&G umbrella and imported components to get around the tariff issue.

"Schoverling, Daly & Gales, composed of August Schoverling, Charles Daly, and Joseph Gales, imported into the port of New York, from Europe.." The transcript in the lower portion of this site is quite amusing to me. Almost like crossexamination.

A little more info on the appealed case. Albert H. Washburn of Comstock & Washburn was S,D&G's counselor. Apparently the stocks were shipped 50 to a crate and the barrels were shipped separately 50 to a crate: .

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 10/04/08 11:05 PM.