Originally Posted By: PeteM
They believe that in New York there is a grand opening for a house of this kind that will supply consumers at popular prices, and they propose to fill the bill. As to their reputation for fair dealing, they refer to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven and New York; Colt's Fire Arms Co., Hartford; Parker Bros., Meriden and New York, manufacturers; and Schoverling, Daly & Gales, Hartley & Graham, John P. Moore's Sons, and H. Boker & Co , the leading wholesale houses in New York; also, the Merchants' Exchange National Bank.

Ken, good point on the adjacent address. In 1873 Schovering & Daly acquired the rights to Ballard's rifle patent and had John Mahlon Marlin to manufacture them. Charles Daly in 1881 was The Marlin Fire Arms Company 1st president. Then in 1888 S, D&D acquired the gunsmithing & firearms merchant John P. Moore(began circa 1823)/John P. Moore's Sons( http://www.cornellpubs.com/Templates3/Moores%201886.htm ). So Daly, Overbaugh, etc. were in a common sphere of interest but I'm not exactly sure which part each played.

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 10/05/08 10:21 AM.