I find all this feedback interesting. It serves as a reminder to all contributors that there is a critical and attentive readership out there and we need to be on our game each and every issue.

Writers are human and some stuff comes out beter than other stuff, also different things excite different readers.

I'm off to proof read my next contribution to make sure it passes muster. Thanks for the wake up call boys! whatever the shortcomings of the DGJ may be, I'm glad it exists and I think it provides an outlet for people to explore and expound guns and ideas and research that would struggle to find equal space in any other publication.

As my old Purdey finisher repeatedly reminds me when we are looking at guns and others' work on them that may not be up to his standards... "any fool can criticise". So I try to find teh good in each article and see what I can learn from it rather than looking for the imperfect focus on a shot or the odd typo.