Originally Posted By: Dingelfutz
Originally Posted By: Timothy S
Jimmy, what makes you think Mr Obama is going to be able to pull some magic trick that Mr McCain can't? Obama is NOT going to be able to get us out of that war. We are there to stay, our embassy is the size of Atlanta. And both McCain and Obama are smarter than that IDIOT Bush that went on a 8 year drunken spending spree. Really he was in office spending the national treasure and blood like a drunken soldier at port. Quite criminal in my mind. Just because Bill did it, doesn't mean Obama can do it. And I'm not a radical or anything like that, but it was different just now typing the name Obama in the thought of a president of the USA. Hummmmmm.....

When Germany was in such a crises, they voted in Adolph Hitler, we must vote for the correct canditate!

Quibble: If you are going to cite Hitler in a rant at least spell his first name correctly!

Thanks for the heads up Dingelberry, I'll make a note to self