The "Issue of Guns" is far deeper than the opposition would like to paint it. I have other hobbies & could actually get by quite well without a "Gun Hobby". At issue is the very heart of the constitution itself. The "Opposition" likes to assure us they have no intention to "Go After our Sporting Guns". The Constitution was written that the "Right of ""The People"" to ""Keep & Bear"" Arms shall not be infringed". This was to provide "The People" a means of keeping out Governmental Tyranny, not for the purpose of breaking clay targets or punching holes in a paper target, or even for sport hunting. you best jolly well remember if one portion of the constitution can be simply tossed aside so can other portions. It has happened before & can happen again. Ole "Honest Abe" hisself shut down some 300 Northern Newspapers & imprisoned many of their editors, Sans a writ of habeas corpus, because they dared to print articles disagreeing with his policies toward the South.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra