Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I may have come across as knocking the 28ga. That was not my intention. It is just another size, smaller than all the common gauges, (.410 is not a gauge). Actually one of my fondest memories is of a 28ga, an old H&R single bbl, wt just over 4lbs. I am, I guess, just somewhat putoff with all the "Myth & Magic" some try to bestow upon it. It works because it is not too dificult to get a killing pattern out of even the standard 3/4oz load out to around 35yds. Due to the spreading of the pattern every time you tack on another 5yds requires either considerable more shot, or a much denser pattern. Nothing magic, just geometry, if you double the size of a pattern it takes 4 times as much shot to give the same density. In the 20-35yd range a 28ga is a great little gun, almost the equal of a lite 20ga load. They can be light, & many find them "Cute". Just to like them should be reason enough justification to own one. I think many simply, after paying a premium for the gun, premium for the shells etc, have to convince themselves some "Magic" which they can't really explain makes it "Superior" to the more common 20ga.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra