JC, one of the explanations put forth on ACORN's activities is that no ballot box stuffing proceeded or could have proceeded from their overzealous "paper drive". Voter info was falsified rather than lifted from the grave registry, discovered, and tossed out. But Chicago is a toddlin town and historically the bosses know how to raise the dead.

I haven't found any Marxists under my bed. European Marxism replaced technocracies and plutocracies with bureaucracies. We appear to want to keep our plutocrats and technocrats happy, warm and well-fed. Of course, regulation of banking practise will create bureaucrats; fortunately some white-collar unemployment can be relieved by moving the big and medium size dogs from private E to the Federal Reserve (just happened to Bear Stearns' former risk-management expert).

Anyway, all my life I've heard friends and not-so enveigh against the "welfare state". Had a buddy from Corpus Christi in grad school. Real shite-stompin, pickemup truck-drivin, blue sky don't fence me in, I got my own you get yours Republican. When we graduated in '73, the economy wasn't all that hot. He got a CETA (Comprehensive Employment Training Act) job as a historian with a county historical society. I got a job laying up fiberglass in a local boatyard. His daughter is my god-daughter and I still consider him a self-serving hypocrite and pretty much told him as much. With the exception of the GI Bill education allowance and a few bouts of unemployment insurance, I haven't leaned all that hard on our government for handouts. A lot of this crap about "card-carrying liberals" and "Marxist socialists is just crap. I'd as soon see my taxes pay to feed the poor as pay to shoot them.
