SO MUCH damage to the "meaning" of political labels and postures. Bush and co. committed the largest spread-the-wealth socialistic act in history of the world, with the 700 BILLION dollar (at minimum) bailout to USA's financial upper crust. That is also perhaps the nastiest thing an outgoing president could do to the next one. Republicans earned themselves title of the biggest borrow and spend the world has ever seen -- an even greater achievement than any tax and spend program any Democrat ever implemented. WHAT IS A POOR INDEPENDENT VOTER TO THINK?!?!?

Republicans performing the biggest socalist giveaway in history -- Democrates now faced with reversing the biggest federal deficit and abdiction of market economics in history. Pardon me if I find most of discussion in this thread akin to reading "Alice in Wonderland".

And to think that a very effective response to a similar but smaller financal crisis was carried out by one of the world's true socialistic countries -- Sweden -- and could serve as primer to USA's attempts to dig themselves out of a major, self-inflicted, deep hole.
