Have you been into the scotch laced with gunpowder again?

"Here is good link to his actual record http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Gun_Control.htm Yes, I do not find it comforting. Surprised?"

Let see If I can get the straight. You don't find it(Obamas record) conforting?
So now you're attacking me for pointing this out and indicating we'rve got some rough times ahead as firearms owners? I'm the one with the highly biased and absurd words?

"And no, I don't happen to fit into either category, or any other that you might recognize."

On this I can agree. An individual who doesn't find Obamas record conforting but attacks another for pointing out specifically why this guy is the equivelent to the bubonic plague for gun owners is certainly in an unrecognizable category. . Apparentely you are some type on neo left wing liberal mutant who professes to see a problem yet can see no point in trying to point this problem out to others. I rarely attack someone personally but in this case you are beneath contempt. Please crawl back into you dreamworld and leave dealing with reality to those of us capable of understanding it.

Just what DON'T you understand about reestablishing the "Assault Weapons Ban" and making it permanant as he's already stated he'll do? Lets see if you can answer one point directly or you'll wander off on a tangent like the rest of your socialist brethern.

Last edited by italiansxs; 11/09/08 11:32 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.