To each his own, I promise not to make anyone use ebony or horn if they don't wanta. Personally I like both, whether streaked or not, and will continue to use both as long as I can find them.

Yes, worms will eat your powder horns. And other natural products too. And so will rats, especially anything hard or salty such as something that has come into frequent contact with human skin and its salty oils. I too have(had) some cow horn that's now rat food.

Please be advised that grinding such animal products as ivory and horn exposes the careless workman to potentially life-threatening diseases and conditions such as lung fungus and cancers as well as emphysema of course. IMO any product from Africa is especialy worthy of attention. I wear a breathing filter when grinding ivory or horn and strongly urge everyone else to do the same. The dust is the culprit and the filter will solve most of the problem, I don't worry too much about the coarser raspings & filings as long as I wear a filter when grinding and producing the fine dust.
Regards, Joe

You can lead a man to logic but you can't make him think. NRA Life since 1976. God bless America!