i think the question needs to be framed more in the context of a person buying a NEW top of the line Beretta from one of their uatorized dealers shortly afterwards noticing a problem. He was then told (by the same factory authorized dealer?) that it was not a problem and when one of the factory's specialty dealers checks it out he is told that the barrel is bulged/unsafe as well as the rib problem and instead of things being put right he is told to sign a waiver that it it trashed and they can't be held responsible.

He should have immediatley escalated the issue to Beretta headquarters and provided them with details and receipts. This should have been covered by warranty.
I hope he didn't sign the waiver.

From what you say it has now been a "few years" since he paid over $20k for this thing and followed up on this unresolved problem and poor service. I would still try and get some service from Beretta headquarters (in italy). he might try contacting Rich Cole in Maine to get an opinion and see if he would be able to fix it properly (hopefully on warranty) and possibly provide a name/address to contact at Beretta.