Hard for me to imagine that .001 inch bulge would have even caused the rib solder to turn loose. I was under the impression that soft solder jobs were much more elastic than that. I have been removing a bulge midway up a set of 30" Utica Fox ejector barrels. This bulge was much, much more than .001", though my memory fails me as to the exact amount right now. Anyway, when the bulge was nearly removed all the way around the barrel except for between the ribs, which required maybe two hours of peening with a specially filed brass punch while a bore plug was inside, one rib finally popped loose at the site. This is no great problem. I will have the ribs removed, after which I will finish removing the rest of the bulge between the ribs, then I will have the ribs relaid and the barrels reblued. I will then shoot the barrels as I do my other Foxes.

I have found that steel, as well as other metals, will work harden. Have no idea whether or not this strengthens the area, but it darn sure gets harder. I am not surprised at Beretta's response, however.

May God bless America and those who defend her.