Hey Armadillo Mike- Hoo-Rah there Jarhead- You I take somewhat seriously, as for Homeless Joe- well didn't you Jarheads have the 10%ers- that's Joe- What's racial about a woodpile? You find where I ever used the "N" word in any of my posts and I'll buy you a nice Model 12 for each one you can document-with Dave Weber as the referee. Actually, de new POTUS to be Barracks Bag Boy Obama was smart enuf to distance himself from this about to be ex-ed Gov from one of the most corrupt States of all 50-three, count them, three former Gov's from Illinois are in prison for fraud, tax evasion-Daley is a rabid anti-gun man, Bladgovich was blasted recently in GUN DIGEST, and rightly so-and you want to jump into my ---- here for a "racist slur". You don't remember 9/11 and the Towelheads that flew the jets into the Twin Towers for some "Holy Jihad" fun and games. Field Strip the new POTUS' nomenclature are watch carefully- does the word MUSLIM come up for you-? This is a Christian Nation with Christian values, the Geneva Convention, courtesy and consideration towards woman and children- Those are NOT the Muslim ways- They took a lady who made the "mistake" in Saudia Arabia out for 180 lashes in the public square-she was raped violently (is there any other kind of rape but violent/) by three men-60 lashes for each of her attackers that she didn't "resist" enough-that's the Muslim terrorist way of life Mikey-Boy-and Obama is part Muslim-and that's enough bad news for me. This country and your right to own guns in Texas- which allows and man that is free, white and 21 or older to carry a gun anywhere anytime-is in for a hugh wake up call because we now have a racially mixed extreme anti-gun POTUS "On Deck"- In WW11 the US Army made the mistake of making Detroit boxer Joe Louis a 2nd. Lt.-non of the white enlisted men would salute him or call him "Sir"-and now we have his legacy as our new C-in-C.
Dave set up this new forum on purpose- I have what the krauts call "Schaundefreud (sic)" that is, to take delight in the misfortune of others- Blagdovich was a corrupt politician (is there any other kind) and an outspoken critic of all legit gun owners anywhere, not just in Illinois-and I am glad he got busted, just sorry that Slick Willie didn't can't win 'em all-if you like and respect our new-to-be POTUS, that is your right and priviledge, but don't piss in my mess kit just because I don't-my right not to like or respect him-not purely racial either- he has no military experience, no standing in the world where terrorists run rampant-but I will close and try to say something postive about him, out of respect for a fellow Vet who served his Country (you) and here it is: At least he is better than that power crazy ---- from an Chicago suburb who went ot some fancy 7 Sisters girls college and hooked up with the biggest crook in politics from the South since Huey Long hisself.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..