In regard to Beretta not returning the gun it is your property and if they don't return it it is theft.

In an almost identical situation a lawyer friend of mind bought a brand new Weatherby/SKB 20 gauge Side by Side. The screw-in chokes were defective. He sent the gun back to Weatherby. They claim he caused the problem by shooting the gun with the chokes loose. They also demanded he release them from liability if he shot the gun and if not they wouldn't return it to him. He is as anal retentive as they come and was insulted by that. He wrote them a letter telling them to either send a check or send the gun back. He got a full refund. Now admittedly the Weatherby was still in warranty. The gun was his property and they had to return it regardless of the warranty issues and regardless of waiver of liability release if he demanded it.

If you would like I will give you his name and address. Seems like all he would have to do is change a few words in the word document and send it to Beretta.



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 12/10/08 12:57 AM.

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