Thanks Dave- from the "Live Free of Die" State- my credo- along with "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out in the next life-if there is one"- Yup- we are stuck with Obama-and he's too clever to get hisself impeached-and the Clintons, talk about Good ol' Fashioned Karma a comin' down' I wish I could have pulled off half the stuff "Da Slickster' did when I was younger-and alibied my way out of it- He thinks Oral sex is Oral Roberts bangin' his wife I guess- and what is- is?? Who dat?? of course, we went to The 'Nam under LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin lie-later had Tricky Dick lie (prior to Watergate) about our "non-presence in Loas and Cambodia- ) and the "beat goes on". I didn't vote for McCain solely because he is a decorated Navy Veteran (and a 5 and 1/2 year guest of "Uncle Ho" and his infamous Hanoi Hilton- and McCain is not a NRA pro-gun man- BUT-at least he has the military experience and leadership- folks, if you think Osama Bin Ladin "done been a loafin" taking a nap in a cave in Afghanistan with his left-shoulder arms AK-47 for his "rubber [censored]", and will give up on his Jihad against US- The Great Satan- you have been banging your own Bong too much. 9/11 was just a "de-coke" a early wake-up call, and Osama thinks you can sit down and negotiate with these towelheads- that's as idiotic as Neville Chamberlain's 1938 appeasement with Herr Adolph-you don't negotiate with a bully- you bust his shins, kneecaps, balls and then for the coup de grace- Ranger chokehold on the Adam's apple until he is graveyard dead-just as Patton said- only way to win is to kill way far more of the enemy than he can do to you (paraphrased) something our leaders forgot in: Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm- and Arlington is full of markers to prove it-You want to follow Osama Bin Mama Potus- your right and priviledge- I'm in the Charlton Heston Regiment- From our cold dead hands "Mister Foster" or whatever pair of 6 lettered words you wish to freely substitute therein. Lock and Load..

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..