"We buy/shoot guns that we like. Period."
My point exactly. That should be reason enough for most guns, unless one is just totally inapprropriate for the job at hand, (wouldn't take a .22LR elephant hunting, regardless how well I liked it).
Guess what made this post so long was my comments on the "Ballistic Advantages" of 16 & 28 ga's. One writer for a major publication (Not Larry) made a big popint about shotguns being "Superior" if their shot load equaled the weight of their round ball. He then correctly showeed how to find this wt by dividing 16 by the gauge & got 1.33oz for 12ga, 1oz for 16, .8oz for 20ga & .57oz for the 28ga. He then stated this showed the only available loads that exactly matched were the 1oz 16ga & 3/4oz 28ga loads. I just get irate that someone "Selling" me stories thinks I'm so ignorant I don't know that .75 & .57 are "Not" equal.
I had no intention to actually belittle the gauge itself, Only some of the totally ignorant stuff which has been written about it by some trying to "Justify" owning one.
Seems to "Just Like IT" is not good enough for some, they have to make it sound "Superior".
Agree with Larry, "You" need to show us you "Like" the 16ga, terrible hole in your battery there.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra