You volunteering to fly over from the 50th State to help me there Bobby Boy- First of all, even though I am shanty Irish, I am NOT a drunk-the Wild Turkey in the eggnog was just a joke. I get a real kick out of tin-horn pissheads like you and Homely Joe tring to play "God" here- that's Dave Weber's job, not yours there "Slick" best pack a ditty bag and some MRE's "M.F." for you are in for the long haul with this old boy- I did some serious R&R in your State back in The 'Nam era- pineapples and fruits, WTF are you? Dave set this up for a full bore all out ballz to de wall Freedom of Expression- I don't like the new POTUS, not because he is Black, but because he is: Part Muslim (does 9/11 ring any bells for you- Pineapple Boy?) inexperienced, and anti-gun to the nines. No man should ever be C-in-C of our Great Country unless he has a Honorable Discharge from the military, and preferably, having served in a combat theatre-whether a NCO or a C.O.- no difference to me-nor Branch. Hawaii- oh yes- Dec 7th 1941- Tet Jan-Feb 1968 and now we have 9/11/01 and some plants and plaques in NYC where once two towers rose to scrape the clouds- wake up and smell the coffee Bobby-and FYI- it AIN'T laced with Bailey's or Bushmills.. RWTMFF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..