Hey there Tax-Raid- got a real news flash for you here- under our great Bill of Rights- ever read the First Amendment-there doesn't have to be a point- it's called freedom of speech- don't mean I can yell Fire In The Hole in the Bijou while Bogie is holding up the Maltese Falcon- but what is means is simple-you don't get it- go see the Chaplain and get your T.S. card punched-he'll 'spalin it to you better than I can- Falners Fields, Arlington, the depths of the mighty oceans where the Eternal Father took his BUDS training- all contain bodies of brave Americans who paid that price that enables ALL of us- even dickheads like Homeless Joe- to freely express themselves in any public venue- And for the Armadillo Mikey boy- there is a Bible proverb about a woodpile- but I'll give you some leeway there Jarhead- as the Good Book is so often mis-interpreted- for example: In the Old Testament days, Jewish men were supposed to take wives- Onan was single, his married older brother "bought the farm" and so Onan had to marry his sister-in-law. He also had to have marital relations with her-but as he didn't wish to be a father, he practiced a form of "coitus interruptus" and "spliied his seed on the ground"_ That is one account of what happened- Father Mclaughlin taught us lads to always look for other possibilities, as all of the Bible was reported by mere mortals with all our flaws- so he taught us- Onan was a sloppy Boy Scout- didn't practice his knots- even the basic miller's knot- and when he left the gristmill for home with the sack of ground seeds slung on his shoulder, the piss-poor knot failed and he ended up with the seeds slipped on the ground- as none of us, including the late good Father were there to vitness the actual event, who really knows for sure- He also taught us that the last Book in the New Testament: Revelations (I am a big fan of Rev: 8:6 myownself) was like the Pogo or Doonesbury comic strips of that era-comforting thought, hate to see the oceans turn boiling red just as the stripers are running off Naragansett. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..