Kerry man now is it lads- if me memory be a servin' me correctly, we had a lantern-jawed galloot over here in the Colonies a few moons ago name o'Kerry. Smart Mick too was he now, had the good sense to marry a rich Ketchup Queen widow from the old Burgh of Pitt-decided he'd had enuf muckin' about the Senate wid de likes o Teddy Boyo- aka- The Chappaquidick Kid--and tried to be our POTUS- borrowed a page from the Slickness O'De Willie Clinton- had a posed goose hunt in Ohio, possibly a fezzant safari in Nebraskie-and just like the yuppies on Shootin' Schwartzman covers et al- never a speck o mud on his Filsons-most likely us solid NRA laddies saw through that ruse and voted for "Da Bushy- now Darwin and Bush- sure and donna ye mean Darwin and Bushmills- hard by Dublin now- and ol Davey Bryne's tavern-someday I'll come over and after seein' what's left of me Granddaddy Seamus' beloved Belfast- I'll be pleased to drag your bog-trottin' sorry self through the streets o'Dublin with your kneecaps bent to allow better traction over them cobblestones-laid there by shanty Irish--Erin Go Braugh!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..