GUNMAKERS OF ILLINOIS by Johnson Vol 1 Page 156:
DONN, WILLIAM Canton,Fulton Co before 1870-1900 Pioria Pioria Co
before & After 1886-1888
A brother of noted Canton gunmaker James Donn, William is listed
as a gunsmith in the 1870 census. He was 24 years old, born in Illinois and was at that time employd by his brother James. In
1873 James and William becames partners, a business relationship
that..ended in 1900. During that time William was primarily
involved with merchandising. At the time of his brother's death
in 1911 William was a resident of Chicao.
Have a E Thomas Jr With T Kilby Barrells-No Proofs on action flats.
Bill McPhail
-Thomas used diferent makers for his Barrells

J W McPhail